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Which master server interface should be used

Level 4


I have very stupid kind of question. We have Linux server given us as master. It has two IPs one in prod network one in backup network.


Prod network name:- master

Backup network interface name: - master-bkp


I have configured the installed the server with the name with "master". Now I am thinking to uninstall NBU and install every thing with "master-bkp".

Right now we have added two DB backups in this new master server. How wise it is to do. Datadomain is also on bkp network.



Level 6
Employee Accredited

If your routing tables are all coherent it should just work. Don't force it because it sounds like you have data coming in on one subnet and going out on another. If you force Netbackup to prefer an interface you will be shutting down access to the other subnet. 


This document should contain all the information you need about preferred network settings:


NOTE: For hostname just use the same name everywhere. You want to use whatever the server thinks it's hostname is and the entry in DNS. It should all be the same name. Same case. FQDN with alias from shortname.

Level 6
Employee Accredited
I'd agree, though would add that you could install using the shorname, and an alias for the long name. However, in a prod environment, I suggest that the FQDN is the best one to install NBU as. I'd use the prod name and then use PREFERRED_NETWORK to direct NBU to use the master-bkp network for backup related activities. The syntax is simple : PREFERRED_NETWORK = [] So you would use something like this: PREFERRED_NETWORK = MATCH So all connections to the network will go out of the interface with ip If you have multiple different networks, you can have multiple rules. Use bptestbpcd command to check.

Level 4

Preferred Network entries are not needed if NetBackup is configured with appropriate host names that the operating system (O/S) resolves to the correct IP addresses and then routes correctly.

Above is the first statement on the technote. That is why I want to set the name right and actually want to avoid the use of Preferred network setting.

Every client in our environment is having 2 network interface. One for prod traffic other one for backup.If I decide with whatever us built and use preferred_network settings then will that affect the route taken to connect to data domain?

Data Domain : 172.x  (backup network)

master : 10.x (prod network)

Now the host connection used in the storage unit is just "master" which means datadomain will communicate with master from backup to prod network. It can communicate there is no harm. It is just every time it will have to traverse some extra hops. Will that affect on longer run?

One more reason is backup interface on master is og 2000Mbps(2 x1000gbps aggregated using bond) and prod is on 1000Mbs ethernet only.


For hostname just use the same name everywhere. You want to use whatever the server thinks it's hostname is and the entry in DNS. It should all be the same name. Same case. FQDN with alias from shortname.

May be I didn't get above statement properly. DNS has both name in his record. And every client and media server will be able connect to master server with both of its names i.e different IP.

Level 6
Employee Accredited

So you want all of your backup data to travel along the backup network. That way it doesn't effect the production network and backups will actually go faster. This means that you want to use the DNS names that point to the backup interfaces in all of your configurations. 

For example:

Specifiy the backup interface for clients in your policies so that the connection travels on those routes to get there. Specifiy the backup interface for your media servers so the data stays on the backup network from the client to the destination. 

It is crucial that your DataDomain is configured to connect through the backup network. If this is the destination for all of your backup data then it will cripple the production network.

Run some jobs and monitor your traffic and troubleshoot accordingly. 

It sounds like you have a nice network. Avoid production at all costs. Engage your network administrator for help.

Level 4

So you want all of your backup data to travel along the backup network. That way it doesn't effect the production network and backups will actually go faster. This means that you want to use the DNS names that point to the backup interfaces in all of your configurations. 

Yes this is exactly what I want. Also am planning to do exactly the sameas you mentioned about media and client configurations.
BUT the only issue I have is I have configured the master server with it name in production number "master_host" (Which is actual host name). The following hit me only when we were testing first backup on this newly built setup.

  • Right now the only media server in the environment is master server itself. (We will be adding around 20 more media server gradually)
  • The only storage unit we have (Configured for datadomain) is using the "host connection"  as "master_host" (Production network name).
  • So when we will send backup through master server, though the client going to send backup data to master server on backup network i.e "master_bkp" interface, master server send it to datadomain from master_host inetrface?? (I am not sure)
  • Though it will be the case only when we will send backup or do resotre thorugh master server. I dont want this.

Now my environment and my problem is well explained (I guess it is now). I am asking how wise it is to re-install the NBU with "master_bkp" as master server name. Its a lots of work but I want it to be good for once and for all, dont want to play with the PREFERRED_NETWORK setting, every time I add a client from little different network.
OR are there any work arounds for this. Like registering one media server with "master_bkp" name register its credentials and and use this as host connection in the storage unit.
OR something else?? I may be sounding stupid now, that why mentioned in first post.  wink

Level 4

opps I forgot to close this thread.

I had uninstalled the NBU. Installed it again with the backup interface as the master server name and I am so happy now. Thanks all for your support.