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VEA not displaying objects

Level 4


Can someone help on this problem.....

I have 2 boxes running Solaris 8 02/02 foundation suite 5.0 MP3 and RP3

Question 1>in BOX  A i can see the objects  but disks shows failing in VEA not with vxdisk list command.
in BOX B objects are not showing for volumes, disks, diskgroups where as filesystems i can see the objects.

Question 2>Mount points Resource failed to bring up [ VCS 5.0MP3 via VCS control -while manual mount is ok]

Question 3> Both servers DG Resource deport failed via VCS control while for the DG import is ok via VCS control [ manual via command line import/deport without problem.]

Question 4>Both servers VEA unable to manage the new LUN [which show the new disk keep failing] [while via VxVM command line manipulation without problem.]

Box A:-
20 78088000 218538 243   1  vxio (VxVM 5.0MP3 I/O driver)
 21 10202548  3e056 242   1  vxdmp (VxVM 5.0MP3: DMP Driver)
 29 102764b1    d10 244   1  vxspec (VxVM 5.0MP3 control/status driv)
120 7866b4d1    ceb 245   1  vxportal (VxFS 5.0_REV-5.0MP3A25_sol port)
121 78806000 1d0bcf  16   1  vxfs (VxFS 5.0_REV-5.0MP3A25_sol SunO)
122 78706000   a850 246   1  fdd (VxQIO 5.0_REV-5.0MP3A25_sol Qui)
255 78f20000  51c15 249   1  vxfen (VRTS Fence 5.0MP3)

Box B:-
20 78088000 334d90 235   1  vxio (VxVM 5.0-2006-05-11a I/O driver)
 21 10202548  37fee 234   1  vxdmp (VxVM 5.0-2006-05-11a: DMP Drive)
 24 78390290    df8 236   1  vxspec (VxVM 5.0-2006-05-11a control/st)
113 787e529f    ceb 232   1  vxportal (VxFS 5.0_REV-5.0MP3A25_sol port)
114 788ac000 1d0bcf  16   1  vxfs (VxFS 5.0_REV-5.0MP3A25_sol SunO)
115 787f2000   a850 233   1  fdd (VxQIO 5.0_REV-5.0MP3A25_sol Qui)
246 78c0e000  51c15 239   1  vxfen (VRTS Fence 5.0MP3)


Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Accredited Certified
Another observation, I see that you are not running on same product versioon on Box B, this could be another potential reason for VEA not to function properly.
20 78088000 334d90 235   1  vxio (VxVM 5.0-2006-05-11a I/O driver)
 21 10202548  37fee 234   1  vxdmp (VxVM 5.0-2006-05-11a: DMP Drive)
 24 78390290    df8 236   1  vxspec (VxVM 5.0-2006-05-11a control/st)

It should be 5.0MP3. In a cluster both the systems has to be in the same patch level.

Take a look at the following link :

You will get all the general checklist that you must have in place before you can install or upgrade.

View solution in original post


Level 6
Accredited Certified
I believe disk were actually in the failing status sometime in the past and ever since VEA kept this info somewhere in the cache and still reflects. If you are not seeing the failing flag in "vxdisk list", command output then need not to worry about disks, they are good.

Well, what you try to flush this infromation from VEA is:
1. Clear GUI cache
# rm -rf /var/vx/isis/mcdownload/*
# rm -rf /var/vx/isis/cedownload/*
# rm -rf /var/vx/isis/extensions/*

2.> Stop Veritas Enterprise Administrator Service
# /opt/VRTSob/bin/vxsvcctrl stop

3.> Stop StorageAgent
# /opt/VRTSobc/pal33/bin/vxpalctrl -a StorageAgent -c stop

4.> Stop Veritas Enterprise Administrator Service
# /opt/VRTSob/bin/vxsvcctrl start

5.> Start StorageAgent
# /opt/VRTSobc/pal33/bin/vxpalctrl -a StorageAgent -c start
6.> In case of issues, comment out Allocator provider
- Edit /etc/vx/isis/Registry
- Look for "/opt/VRTSalloc/providers/" and change it to
- Restart StorageAgent
#/opt/VRTSobc/pal33/bin/vxpalctrl -a StorageAgent -c restart

I do not assure this would work for you but it's certainly worth a try.

Level 6
Accredited Certified
Question 2>Mount points Resource failed to bring up [ VCS 5.0MP3 via VCS control -while manual mount is ok]

Dev>> Are you able to mount them outside of VCS controll successfuly? If yes, then give us the engine log that you get while bringing up the file system ressource? I hope all the attributes for file systems defined correctly, worth checking the file for that.

Question 3> Both servers DG Resource deport failed via VCS control while for the DG import is ok via VCS control [ manual via command line import/deport without problem.]

Dev>> What does engine log says when you try to offline the DG resourse?

Question 4>Both servers VEA unable to manage the new LUN [which show the new disk keep failing] [while via VxVM command line manipulation without problem.]

Dev>> I think you can best put this question to Symantec Technical Support as it requires considerable amount of time for detailed investigation.

Level 6
Accredited Certified
Another observation, I see that you are not running on same product versioon on Box B, this could be another potential reason for VEA not to function properly.
20 78088000 334d90 235   1  vxio (VxVM 5.0-2006-05-11a I/O driver)
 21 10202548  37fee 234   1  vxdmp (VxVM 5.0-2006-05-11a: DMP Drive)
 24 78390290    df8 236   1  vxspec (VxVM 5.0-2006-05-11a control/st)

It should be 5.0MP3. In a cluster both the systems has to be in the same patch level.

Take a look at the following link :

You will get all the general checklist that you must have in place before you can install or upgrade.