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BESR Installation Problem

Not applicable
Partner Accredited
When im installing the BE System Recovery its complaining about this certain driver, did anyone meet this problem, is there a way to install the BESR without this driver?
The following devices do not have drivers in the Symantec Recovery Disk.
Virtual Machine Network Services Driver
A detailed information about these devices is given below
Description : Virtual Machine Network Services Driver
Class  : Net
Class Guid : {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
Hardware Id : Cntx_VPCNetS2_MP
Hardware Id : Cntx_VPCNetS2_MP
Hardware Id : Cntx_VPCNetS2_MP

Level 6
Employee Accredited
You should be able, though getting this message, to install BESR without the recovery disk having this driver. This message is more of a warning that the driver validation test suspects a needed network driver is missing from the recovery disk. Since it appears that this is an application level device driver that is missing, and does not relate directly to a network card, you should be able to ignore it. I would though, test your recovery disk by booting this machine and verify that the system’s hard disk and network devices are usable.