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System Recovery

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Useful Veritas System Recover 22 - Links

Release Notes for Veritas System Recovery 22 : v22.0Veritas™ System Recovery 22 Readme : v22.0Veritas System Recovery 22 Licensing Guide : v22.0Veritas™ System Recovery 22 User's Guide : v22.0Veritas™ System Recovery 22 Manager Readme : v22.0Veritas™...

klauskresnik by Moderator
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'How To' videos for Veritas System Recovery (VSR)

How to backup to Azure using Veritas System Recovery: How to backup to Amazon S3 using Veritas System Recovery: How to perform a Bare Metal restore using Veritas ...

criley by Moderator
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need join back to domain after restoration?

I tried a couple of times to restore a server that was in the domain already, however every time when restoration is complete, it asks me to join the server to domain. Is it by design or I missed some step during backup/restore? Please advise. Thanks...

I'm getting an error EC8F17B7

Backup seems to be failing on the J: Drive which is the data drive. Date: 9/15/2008 1:25:34 AMNotification Type: ErrorPriority: HighDescription: Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Drive Backup of New Volume (J:\),  (C:\). Error E7...

aychekay by Level 5
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Best Practices for SQL Server ?

Hello I am testing to restore a SQL server (Windows 2003/SQL 2000, C: for system and D: for datas)on a new server which hardware is different from the old.BESR 7 is used to backup C: and BEWS 9.1 for D: + SystemState on C:Although I can restore C: on...

LVI by Level 3
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Unable to Create Custom SRD under 32-bit Vista Home Premium SP1

Greetings! I hope someone can assist.  I am trying to create a custom SRD for my PC (I added the drivers for my NIC & RAID Controller to the vanilla SRD). The process of creating the SRD goes nowhere whether I try to burn to CD/DVD (tried both) or to...

lazo by Not applicable
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Restore anyware failing... or am I not waiting long enough?

I've successfully used the BESR with RA a couple of weeks ago in a similiar scenario.  We have an old server, SBS 2003, no raid, 2 logical drives.  Created image file, restored onto new server with hardware raid container, everything worked like a ch...

Trish_B_ by Not applicable
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One BESR Master Server to backup 3 different segments (VLAN)

Hi All, My firewall is preventing the BESR Master server to connect the network. Our Network/Windows Administrators failed to sort the issue because of the NAT. So I'm thingking of a solution below besides buying a BESR core application on each segme...

cedric by Level 4
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BESR 8 Hangs Under Vista HP on Acer Laptop

I thought I had come across a solution when I read about freezing by contributor Olbow (05-Sep-08). However, I checked my own drive and found it be error free. So, here is my problem: After installing BESR Desktop 8 V8.0.3.28325 on an Acer TM5520 lap...

Deltapi by Not applicable
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Reinstalling, saving jobs or recreate?

Per recent KB's saying we need to uninstall and reinstall with the latest patch 8.03 how do we go about saving the job setups so we don't have to recreate them? If we uninstall and reinstall are the jobs retained? Can they be exported and imported? J...

JBDive by Not applicable
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BESRM 8 - Error Logon

Hi, I have installed the manager in a Windows 2003 SP2 US (Any message error during the installation) When I try to open the Console, I a message error "Unable to connect to the remote server" DetailsData     System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal...

BESR 8.0 and Exchange Transaction Logs

I'm running Windows Server 2003 with Exchange 2003 and BESR 8. I have a full backup scheduled every Sunday and differentials in between. I received an alert on my server today that the Exchange transaction logs were at 19GB and I have 7% free on my C...

N8Dawg by Not applicable
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Error E0BB01A3 no recognizable ntfs file system found

Installed BESR 8 and created backup job for computer.  Ran great twice and now it gives the error everytime it runs.  I have recreated the backup job and uninstalled, using the uninstall tool on the site, and reinstalled.  Still get the error.  Any i...

bama316 by Not applicable
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Rename recovery point

Hi If I rename a recovery point filename the application says the point will no longer be availalbe. What is the proper way to rename a recovery point file name? Regards, Saar

sbargay by Level 2
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One of our servers has Backup exec System recovery installed on it. The server blue screens randomly on symsnap.sys (version The other servers are stable, and have Backup exec system recovery with symsnap.sys (ve...

Eddy_J by Not applicable
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BESR FTP for folder/files

Will the offsite option only work for recovery points.  We would like to be able to ftp to offsite just certain files and folders, not the whole system.  BESR 8.  TIA

richvdoll by Not applicable
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Resolved! Database is locked error

Today I've noticed these messages and I can't see anything on BESR on the server: Date: 11/09/2008 12:00:46 p.m.Notification Type: ErrorPriority: HighDescription: Error EC8F1C50: Cannot create file backup for job: File Backup. Error E4BC0012: An inte...

BESR and Clustered Servers

What does everyone do for Clustered servers?  The following article does not go into a detailed solution I know that with IBM TSM, we actually have a different installed TSM service for each cluster...

CaptJim by Level 2
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licensing Trial de bewsr8

Hola a todos, Tenia instalado un trial de bewsr8 y luego ingrese el key con la licencia qie compramos. No dio ningun mensaje de error pero sigue aparenciendo como trial. Hemos confirmado el nro. de licencias y todo esta correcto. Alguna idea de lo qu...