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BE2014 upgrade failing on migration

Level 4

Hi All,


I'm trying to upgrade our BE2012 server to BE2014 and am getting an error during the migration phase of the upgrade stating that the database cannot be upgraded.  In the error log I can see errors as below:

07-24-2014,10:42:16 : dbutil RunSQLScript: dbupgrade14.0.sql SQLServer:BACKSQL01 SQLInstance:BACKUPEXEC DatabaseName:BEDB
07-24-2014,10:42:16 : OpenFromInitializationString Connection String = Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=BEDB;Data Source=BACKSQL01\BACKUPEXEC;Locale Identifier=1033;Application Name=BEWS DBUTIL hr=0x0
07-24-2014,10:42:19 : The statement has been terminated.
07-24-2014,10:42:19 : String or binary data would be truncated.
07-24-2014,10:42:19 : dbutil RunSQLScript: execute sql cmd failed. sql statement: UPDATE JHD Set JHD.ResourceDisplayName = RES.ResourceName FROM dbo.[JobHistoryDetail] JHD INNER JOIN dbo.[Resource] RES ON JHD.ResourceID = RES.ResourceID WHERE JHD.ResourceDisplayName = ''
07-24-2014,10:42:19 : dbutil RunSQLScript:Stop execution sql script
07-24-2014,10:42:19 : dbutil RunSQLScript: failed: 0x80040e57
07-24-2014,10:42:19 : OS ERROR: 0x80040e57 (-2147217833)
07-24-2014,10:42:19 : upgrade14x ends rc=1
07-24-2014,10:42:19 : Job Migration Failed
+ 07-24-2014,10:42:19 : Failure 1 running migration library 1
07-24-2014,10:42:19 : Destructor BEMigrate Freeing library: D:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Migration\pvlupgrade.dll
07-24-2014,10:42:19 : Destructor BEMigrate Freeing library: D:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Migration\jobmigration.dll
07-24-2014,10:42:19 : Destructor BEMigrate Freeing library: D:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Migration\catupgrade.dll
07-24-2014,10:42:19 : Destructor BEMigrate Freeing library: D:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Migration\pvlupgrade.dll
07-24-2014,10:42:19 : Destructor BEMigrate Freeing library: D:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Migration\postmigrationprocessing.dll
+ 07-24-2014,10:42:19 : BE Migration Tool execution failed
07-24-2014,10:42:19 : Migration returned value: 1
07-24-2014,10:42:19 : Bemig returned
07-24-2014,10:42:19 : Migration failed returning error: 1


The only KB article I can find relating to this is here:

This is for BE2012 however and does not seem to match my logs.


Anyone else had this issue before and able to resolve?




Level 6

Hi Dunfraggin,

Before the upgrade ensure that Backup Exec 2012 is uptodate with all patches and hotfixes installed, then reboot the media server and run the upgrade.

Level 4

Thanks Imosla. 

I had originally ran the upgrade against the media server without doing this and then after the first failure I found a hotfix was missing on the BE2012 server so applied this.

After rebooting the upgrade again failed at the same point and with the same error. I have mamaged to also find this warning in the install logs now too (which was also in the previous attempts tried):

07-24-2014,12:51:26 : Copying R:\BE\WINNT\INSTALL\BEx64\Migration\CatSqlSPs.dll TO \\BACKSQL01\D$\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.BACKUPEXEC\MSSQL\Binn\CatSqlSPs.dll
+ 07-24-2014,12:51:26 : An exception was thrown while copying the file from source location 'R:\BE\WINNT\INSTALL\BEx64\Migration\CatSqlSPs.dll' to destination '\\BACKSQL01\D$\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.BACKUPEXEC\MSSQL\Binn\CatSqlSPs.dll' Access to the path '\\BACKSQL01\D$\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.BACKUPEXEC\MSSQL\Binn\CatSqlSPs.dll' is denied.

The account used to perform the upgrade has full rights to the SQL server (this is on a different server, not on the backup exec server) as well as SQL rights too to be able to perform the upgrade. 

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

It is failing over here ~

dbutil RunSQLScript: execute sql cmd failed. sql statement: UPDATE JHD Set JHD.ResourceDisplayName = RES.ResourceName FROM dbo.[JobHistoryDetail] JHD INNER JOIN dbo.[Resource] RES ON JHD.ResourceID = RES.ResourceID WHERE JHD.ResourceDisplayName = ''

Is JHD/RES a name of a resource/job ?

Level 4

Hi VJ,


No JHD/RES is not the name of any resources or jobs within this backup environment.  I'm at a loss to see where this comes from?

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

I currently do not have access to a machine, but i am guessing JHD stands for Job History Details and RES stands for Resource. Probably, there is a job or a job history log preventing the migration.

I would recommend you to log a formal support case for assistance with the migration.

   VIP    Certified
You might want to try going to the BE installation directory and use BEUtility to repair the BEDB

Level 4

Thanks guys.

The BEUtility repair on the DB might be a good shot to try first before logging a call.  Will give that a try and update with the results - It won't be today as I'll need a new change window now :(