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Access Denied Error FSA Volume

Level 2
Hi All,
I am having an issue defining a volume as a target for FSA.
The directory service EV server is Win2k sp4 running EV7.5
The FSA EV server is installed into the same site and is running Win2k3 sp2
The file server is running Win2k sp4
The SQL server is running Win2k sp4 and SQL 2000
I have installed the placeholder service on the file server and have defined the file server as a target.  When I then run through the wizard to define a volume the wizard gets to the summary screen and comes up with an error
Failed to save or update details for the volume 'Test'
Could not add volume to the list of managed resources
Access Denied
There are no errors logged in the event log of the server at the time this error occurs and have checked and double checked the permissions on the file server.
I have logged a call with support but in the meantime I was wondering if anyone else has come accross this issue.

Message Edited by Neil Harvey on 10-04-2007 02:35 AM

Level 3
I just ran into this with 7.5 R1, did you get a response from Support on this yet?
Rob G.

Level 6
1. Verify that DNS is correct.
2. Disable any firewall software that is running on the file server and try it.
3. Check the FSA services on the file server and verify that they are running under the security context of the VSA. If they are set to SYSTEM then no authentication can be made because the system account cannot authenicate to network resources.
4. When you installed the FSA client did it ask you fot the EV server name. What name did you add? Short name, FQDN. can you ping that name from the file server.
Jim S.

Level 6
In the 7.0 Release notes I found the following:
"Update rollup package 1 for SP4" is required. 
Is this installed on your file server?
Here is the rollup link.
Jim S.

Level 6
A note from the Install Guide

On NTFS file servers that host the Placeholder service, the Enterprise Vault Web

access application computer must be in the Internet Explorer trusted sites list.

If the Internet Explorer security settings are incorrect, users will not be able to

open any placeholder shortcuts. Each attempt to do so produces an entry on the

Windows Application log on the placeholder computer, saying that there was an

error downloading a file.

To configure the Internet Explorer security settings

1 Log on as the Vault Service account to the NTFS file server that is running

the Placeholder service.

2 On the Windows Start menu, click Settings > Control Panel.

3 Double-click Internet Options.

4 Click the Security tab.

5 In the list of zones, click Local intranet.

6 Click Sites.

7 Click Advanced.

8 Enter the name of the Web access application computer, without the DNS

domain, and then click Add.

9 Click OK.

10 Click OK to close the local intranet settings.

11 On the Security tab of the Internet Options dialog box, click Custom Level.

12 Under User Authentication in the Security Settings dialog box, select either

Automatic logon only in Intranet zone

or Automatic logon with current

username and password


13 Click OK to close the Security Settings dialog box.

14 Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.


Jim S

Level 2
Yep support resolved it.  We had to fully patch the server from Windows update and also reinstalled the license as the customer had more than one .slf file.  One license included FSA and the other didn't.

Level 6
I would not think that is was a license issues since the configuration allowed you to get that far.  Seemed to be more related to patches.
Later Smiley Wink