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Enterprise Vault

Discussion Posts

Event ID: 3288

I constantly get this event id when my archiving jobs start. It is not mailbox specific. I have followed the recommendation to upgrade to SP1 for E2K3 on the vault server and still get this message. Does anyone have a suggestion?

Resolved! Vauted Icons not appearing in OWA

When I log into OWA items that are vaulted appears as the standard Microsoft envelope and not the EVS icon. However on the desktop Outlook Client it appears fine. Any help would be appreciated.thanks

Resolved! Form Base Authentication

Have EV integrated with OWA with FBA. However, the system will always prompt end user to re-enter logon info when access to archived email even though they have already logon to OWA. User can check the 'remember my password' option to last the creden...

Resolved! Migration of KVS server

Now we have KVS 5.0 SP5 on W2K. But in next half year all servers have to be upgraded to W2K3. I planned migration by adding new KVS server on W2K3 to the current KVS site and moving users from one KVS to another but it is not possible technically (i...

Resolved! Reg Keys for Convert RTF, PPT, Etc

EV5 / SP5. There are Reg keys for converting Word and Excel to Text rather than HTML, but is there a Reg key for converting PPT, PDF, etc to Text rather than HTML? . Something like ConvertPPTToText?Thanks,Aaron

Aaron_Mears by Level 4
Employee Accredited Certified
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Journal Task failed

I setup KVS 6.0 with Windows 2003 SP1. The journal task is working fine for a few days. Recently it just downed and in the event log, have a lot of warning message of :m_pIBackgroundArchivingAgent->ProcessUserEx(Priority = "true", ReportingMode = "f...

Items remain in pending state

Hi,We get this on our Journal Mailbox. We have 80000 items now stuck in a pending state. Dont really get any errors in the system or app logs...Have tried to move some pending items to another folder which has not helped.The items do not look corrupt...

Outlook Crashes

Hi,Has anyone else seen this... when trying to copy a calander item between two calanders (in different mailboxes) Outlook crashes with a C++ runtime error? (The items are not archived.)This only happens when the EV add-in is enabled!We're using EV v...

Resolved! Error on OWA Extension configuration

I tried to install OWA Extension on my Exchange infrastructure.I have two front-end server and three back-end instances on four nodes cluster.All servers are Exchange 2003 Sp1.I followed step by step the instructions described in the section titled "...

Resolved! OWA problems

We have one FE and one BE Servers. Ev is version 5.0 SP5.Opening archive items through OWA directly from BE server works fine, butwhen I go through FE server it gives me the following error:The XML page cannot be displayedCannot view XML input using ...

Scheduled Search Issue

I am having issues with some of my scheduled searches. These searches launch every night at 9:00, however for the last week they have returned no results. If I run an immediate search, using the same hotword set as the scheduled search I get hits.Has...

EV 6.0 Client Uninstall Problems

I accidentally pushed the EV French client to end users workstations. The install worked fine but my users can't read French. I have tried multiple ways to uninstall the client, by using "msiexec /x", "add remove programs", "deleting folders and ke...

Resolved! OWA for EXchange 2003

Hi All,we have a KVS server behind FE and BE Exchange (both are EXC 2003) Servers. OWA Extensions installed and configured. Anonymous account and authentication is configured in accordance to configuration guide.So now the problem is that request is ...

Resolved! Offline Vaults in Exchange 2003

This may be a silly question but does anyone know what might stop the "Tools/Enterprise Vault/Offline Vault Options" menu from appearing in Outlook?It appears for my test user, but not for myself or others. I've enabled offline storage in Outlook, se...

OWA 2003 Redir.ASP

>>Hello All,>Quick Question, in OWA on 2003 SP1, when clicking on a vaulted item, and>then clicking on the "view original" item the redir.asp loads the "EV vault>URL" such as, thus when OWA from home you cannot>see "original...

Resolved! Deleted Items not archiving

We fairly recently updated Enterprise Vault for Exchange from 5.0 CP2 to SP5. At this point it would seem that Deleted Items no longer archives. We run EVPM to set Deleted Items to a 7 day inactivity and the script isstill running ok. I can check t...

Resolved! Cannot archive from Outlook

Dear All,i am not able to archive from outlook. When i click on the archive button in outlook after selecting the email that i want to archive, i get the message " Cannot archive now, Enterprise Vault is not available, please try later".David you are...

Resolved! Missing Toolbar Button in Outlook 2003

I've just had a user who's search toolbar button in Outlook 2003 (no SP) has disappeared. Also the EV menu item under Tools has gone. Apart from this archived items are still shown with the correct icon and can be retrieved.Initially when the user wa...