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I cant restore VMware client

Level 5

Hi ,when i tried to restore i am getting following error

05:51:46 1/29/2014: Restore Started
05:51:47 ( Media id ST9039 is needed for the restore.
05:51:47 (202487.001) Restoring from copy 1 of image created 1/28/2014 1:30:57 AM
05:51:48 INF - If Media id ST9039 is not in a robotic library administrative interaction may be required to satisfy this mount request.

Level 6

It is looking for a tape or a storage unit named 'ST9039' that has the data needed for the restore. If you do a verify in the catalog on that storage unit do you see your data?

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

This is just a notice. It is always displayed when restore from tapes starts. What is your actual problem?l Restore has no progress?

Level 6

Yeah, I didnt think about it because I normally just see this notice when I start a backup that I *expect* will need a tape, but it does show this on every restore. There may be no issue at all :)

Level 5

After restarting server it is moving but i cant see my console properly like policies,media, etc i am able to see attached console 


Level 5

Hi i can see java console but i cant see Netbacckup administrator console 

Level 5

Now i am getting 2820 error while restoring

Level 6

can you paste the progress log from the job to give more info about the error? Double check disk space on destination?

Level 5

Hi Nate,

I have sufficient disk space.Please find log below

08:13:47 1/29/2014: Restore Started
08:13:48 ( Media id ST9039 is needed for the restore.
08:13:48 (202494.001) Restoring from copy 1 of image created 1/28/2014 1:30:57 AM
08:13:50 INF - If Media id ST9039 is not in a robotic library administrative interaction may be required to satisfy this mount request.
08:13:50 INF - Waiting for mount of media id ST9039 on server for reading.
08:13:58 INF - Waiting for positioning of media id ST9039 on server for reading.
08:13:59 INF - Beginning read-blockmap on server of client B16-STG-048.
08:13:59 ( Executing Virtual machine creation on to server B16-SCC-VC-1.
08:15:25 (202494.001) INF - TAR STARTED 1716
08:15:26 (202494.001) INF - If Media id ST9039 is not in a robotic library administrative interaction may be required to satisfy this mount request.
08:15:26 (202494.001) INF - Waiting for positioning of media id ST9039 on server for reading.
08:15:26 (202494.001) INF - Beginning restore from server to client
08:15:45 (202494.001) TAR - STG-SATA-B-NEW:\B16-STG-048\B16-STG-048.vmdk
08:15:45 (202494.001) FTL - Virtual machine restore: file write failed
08:15:45 (202494.001) FTL - Virtual machine restore: file write failed
08:15:46 (202494.001) INF - TAR EXITING WITH STATUS = 5
08:15:46 (202494.001) INF - TAR RESTORED 0 OF 1 FILES SUCCESSFULLY
08:15:46 (202494.001) INF - TAR KEPT 0 EXISTING FILES
08:15:46 (202494.001) INF - TAR PARTIALLY RESTORED 0 FILES
08:17:04 (202494.001) Status of restore from copy 1 of image created 1/28/2014 1:30:57 AM = the restore failed to recover the requested files
08:17:04 (202494.001) The following files/folders were not restored:
08:17:04 (202494.001) UTF - /STG-SATA-B-NEW/B16-STG-048/B16-STG-048.vmdk
08:17:04 ( INF - Status = VMware policy restore error.

Level 6

What version of Netbackup is this?

Level 5

Netbackup 7.5

Level 6

Enable bpfis and bpVMutil  debug log in [install path]\netbackup\logs that will help us trace it down a bit.

Also when you do the restore you can try checking the 'Remove backing information for devices like DVD/CD-ROM drives, serial or parallel ports". That may help.

Level 5

Again same error

Progress logs

0:13:33 1/30/2014: Restore Started

00:13:34 ( Media id ST9060 is needed for the restore.
00:13:34 (202706.001) Restoring from copy 1 of image created 1/29/2014 12:00:07 AM
00:13:36 INF - If Media id ST9060 is not in a robotic library administrative interaction may be required to satisfy this mount request.
00:13:36 INF - Waiting for mount of media id ST9060 on server for reading.
00:13:43 INF - Waiting for positioning of media id ST9060 on server for reading.
00:13:44 INF - Beginning read-blockmap on server of client B16-STG-048.
00:13:44 ( Executing Virtual machine creation on to server B16-SCC-VC-1.
00:15:08 (202706.001) INF - TAR STARTED 5512
00:15:09 (202706.001) INF - If Media id ST9060 is not in a robotic library administrative interaction may be required to satisfy this mount request.
00:15:09 (202706.001) INF - Waiting for positioning of media id ST9060 on server for reading.
00:15:09 (202706.001) INF - Beginning restore from server to client
00:15:27 (202706.001) TAR - STG-SATA-B-NEW:\B16-STG-048\B16-STG-048.vmdk
00:15:27 (202706.001) FTL - Virtual machine restore: file write failed
00:15:27 (202706.001) FTL - Virtual machine restore: file write failed
00:15:28 (202706.001) INF - TAR EXITING WITH STATUS = 5
00:15:28 (202706.001) INF - TAR RESTORED 0 OF 1 FILES SUCCESSFULLY
00:15:28 (202706.001) INF - TAR KEPT 0 EXISTING FILES
00:15:28 (202706.001) INF - TAR PARTIALLY RESTORED 0 FILES
00:16:46 (202706.001) Status of restore from copy 1 of image created 1/29/2014 12:00:07 AM = the restore failed to recover the requested files
00:16:46 (202706.001) The following files/folders were not restored:
00:16:46 (202706.001) UTF - /STG-SATA-B-NEW/B16-STG-048/B16-STG-048.vmdk
00:16:46 ( INF - Status = VMware policy restore error.
bpVmutil logs
00:10:18.243 [6052.7052] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 2816 B16-SCC-VC-1 
00:10:18.243 [6052.7052] virt_test_log: log function is called
00:10:18.243 [6052.7052] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 11 ESXMount = ESXserver = B16-SCC-VC-1, flags = 0
00:10:18.243 [6052.7052] generateServerFiles: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 15 minutes -> WRITE LOCK B16-SCC-VC-1_lock fd = 236 -> lockname = B16-SCC-VC-1_lock
00:10:18.243 [6052.7052] generateServerFiles: checking file C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\
00:10:18.243 [6052.7052] generateServerFiles: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\ does not exist, rebuilding
00:10:18.243 [6052.7052] find_virtual_server_cred: Looking for: B16-SCC-VC-1
00:10:18.258 [6052.7052] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 424
00:10:18.258 [6052.7052] <8> vnet_check_vxss_client_magic_with_info: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:871] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2
00:10:18.352 [6052.7052] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for excludeVMservers
00:10:18.352 [6052.7052]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:18.352 [6052.7052] format_virtualserver_cred: read 1 B16-SCC-VC-1 scc-netbackup af1775bc1d4e917f2c49c7732268a553d2030dbe9e8b7ddbb1915e9e107730808af2f286f7d3bc0da233f80dbe1fdd26c206918abcec6cea95ff870c4b0a49c0 18175 0
00:10:18.352 [6052.7052] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:10:18.352 [6052.7052] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for disableFQDN
00:10:18.352 [6052.7052]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:18.352 [6052.7052] <8> file_to_cache_item: [vnet_addrinfo.c:6555] fopen() failed ERRNO=2 FILE=C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\var\host_cache\003\cb965e03+0,1,2,0,1,
00:10:18.352 [6052.7052] get_fqdn_hostname: fqdn host
00:10:18.352 [6052.7052] listNetworks: Listing networks on B16-SCC-VC-1 for
00:10:18.352 [6052.7052] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for connecttimeout
00:10:18.352 [6052.7052]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:18.352 [6052.7052] vSphereConnect: ConnectTimeout: 300 secs
00:10:18.352 [6052.7052] vSphereConnect: connecting to https://B16-SCC-VC-1/sdk
00:10:18.352 [6052.7052] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:10:18.586 [6052.7052] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for jobtimeout
00:10:18.586 [6052.7052]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:18.586 [6052.7052] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for poweroptimeout
00:10:18.586 [6052.7052]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:18.586 [6052.7052] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for snapshottimeout
00:10:18.586 [6052.7052]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:18.586 [6052.7052] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for registertimeout
00:10:18.586 [6052.7052]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:18.586 [6052.7052] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for browsetimeout
00:10:18.586 [6052.7052]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:18.586 [6052.7052] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for refreshtimeout
00:10:18.586 [6052.7052]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:18.586 [6052.7052] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: JobTimeout: 900 secs
00:10:18.586 [6052.7052] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: PowerOpTimeout: 900 secs
00:10:18.586 [6052.7052] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: SnapshotTimeout: 900 secs
00:10:18.586 [6052.7052] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RegisterTimeout: 180 secs
00:10:18.586 [6052.7052] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: BrowseTimeout: 3 secs
00:10:18.586 [6052.7052] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RefreshTimeout: 3 secs
00:10:18.586 [6052.7052] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for vmcloglevel
00:10:18.586 [6052.7052]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:18.586 [6052.7052] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: vmcloglevel=0
00:10:18.773 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: Login: key            = 5211c710-e51a-3396-f23f-ab773157aa74
00:10:18.773 [6052.7052] dovSphereLogin: sApiType = VirtualCenter
00:10:18.773 [6052.7052] dovSphereLogin: version = 5.1
00:10:18.773 [6052.7052] dovSphereLogin: sBuild = 1064983
00:10:18.773 [6052.7052] dovSphereLogin: full name = VMware vCenter Server 5.1.0 build-1064983
00:10:18.773 [6052.7052] dovSphereLogin: sName = VMware vCenter Server
00:10:18.773 [6052.7052] dovSphereLogin: sOsType = win32-x64
00:10:18.773 [6052.7052] dovSphereLogin: sProductLineId = vpx
00:10:18.773 [6052.7052] dovSphereLogin: sVersion = 5.1.0
00:10:18.773 [6052.7052] dovSphereLogin: sServerCurrentTime = Thu Jan 30 00:10:18 2014
00:10:18.773 [6052.7052] dovSphereLogin: login for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 70 and status 0
00:10:18.882 [6052.7052] listResourcePools: Listing Resource Pools on B16-SCC-VC-1 for
00:10:18.882 [6052.7052] dovSphereLogin: server B16-SCC-VC-1 already logged in
00:10:18.882 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:10:24.545 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:24.654 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:24.654 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:24.654 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:24.654 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:24.670 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:24.670 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:24.670 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:24.701 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:24.701 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:24.701 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:24.701 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:24.701 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:24.701 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:24.701 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:24.857 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:10:24.873 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:10:24.888 [6052.7052] listDatastores: Listing datastores on B16-SCC-VC-1 for
00:10:24.888 [6052.7052] getDatastoresList: Creating List of datastores on B16-SCC-VC-1 for
00:10:24.888 [6052.7052] dovSphereLogin: server B16-SCC-VC-1 already logged in
00:10:24.935 [6052.7052] dovSphereLogin: server B16-SCC-VC-1 already logged in
00:10:24.935 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:10:24.935 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:10:24.951 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:10:24.951 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:10:24.966 [6052.7052] vmwareLogger: Logout: returned 0
00:10:25.075 [6052.7052] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:10:25.075 [6052.7052] <2> browseResourcePools: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK fd = 628 -> lockname =
00:10:25.075 [6052.7052] <2> browseResourcePools: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\ to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-06052391020818243052000000000-a07052 returned 0
00:10:25.075 [6052.7052] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
00:10:27.306 [6360.6380] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 3072 B16-SCC-VC-1 
00:10:27.306 [6360.6380] virt_test_log: log function is called
00:10:27.306 [6360.6380] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 12 ESXMount = ESXserver = B16-SCC-VC-1, flags = 0
00:10:27.306 [6360.6380] generateServerFiles: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 15 minutes -> WRITE LOCK B16-SCC-VC-1_lock fd = 236 -> lockname = B16-SCC-VC-1_lock
00:10:27.306 [6360.6380] generateServerFiles: checking file C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\
00:10:27.306 [6360.6380] generateServerFiles: checking file C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\
00:10:27.306 [6360.6380] generateServerFiles: checking file C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\
00:10:27.306 [6360.6380] generateServerFiles: checking file C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\
00:10:27.306 [6360.6380] generateServerFiles: checking file C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\
00:10:27.306 [6360.6380] <2> browseDatastores: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK fd = 236 -> lockname =
00:10:27.306 [6360.6380] <2> browseDatastores: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\ to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-06360391020827306380000000000-a06380 returned 0
00:10:27.322 [6360.6380] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
00:10:29.521 [2176.6576] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 5632 B16-SCC-VC-1 
00:10:29.521 [2176.6576] virt_test_log: log function is called
00:10:29.521 [2176.6576] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 22 ESXMount = ESXserver = B16-SCC-VC-1, flags = 0
00:10:29.521 [2176.6576] generateServerFiles: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 15 minutes -> WRITE LOCK B16-SCC-VC-1_lock fd = 236 -> lockname = B16-SCC-VC-1_lock
00:10:29.521 [2176.6576] generateServerFiles: checking file C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\B16-SCC-VC-1_datas_tree.xml
00:10:29.521 [2176.6576] generateServerFiles: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\B16-SCC-VC-1_datas_tree.xml does not exist, rebuilding
00:10:29.521 [2176.6576] find_virtual_server_cred: Looking for: B16-SCC-VC-1
00:10:29.537 [2176.6576] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 424
00:10:29.537 [2176.6576] <8> vnet_check_vxss_client_magic_with_info: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:871] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2
00:10:29.631 [2176.6576] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for excludeVMservers
00:10:29.631 [2176.6576]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:29.631 [2176.6576] format_virtualserver_cred: read 1 B16-SCC-VC-1 scc-netbackup af1775bc1d4e917f2c49c7732268a553d2030dbe9e8b7ddbb1915e9e107730808af2f286f7d3bc0da233f80dbe1fdd26c206918abcec6cea95ff870c4b0a49c0 18175 0
00:10:29.646 [2176.6576] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:10:29.646 [2176.6576] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for connecttimeout
00:10:29.646 [2176.6576]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:29.646 [2176.6576] vSphereConnect: ConnectTimeout: 300 secs
00:10:29.646 [2176.6576] vSphereConnect: connecting to https://B16-SCC-VC-1/sdk
00:10:29.646 [2176.6576] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:10:29.865 [2176.6576] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for jobtimeout
00:10:29.865 [2176.6576]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:29.865 [2176.6576] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for poweroptimeout
00:10:29.865 [2176.6576]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:29.865 [2176.6576] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for snapshottimeout
00:10:29.865 [2176.6576]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:29.865 [2176.6576] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for registertimeout
00:10:29.865 [2176.6576]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:29.865 [2176.6576] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for browsetimeout
00:10:29.865 [2176.6576]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:29.865 [2176.6576] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for refreshtimeout
00:10:29.865 [2176.6576]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:29.865 [2176.6576] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: JobTimeout: 900 secs
00:10:29.865 [2176.6576] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: PowerOpTimeout: 900 secs
00:10:29.865 [2176.6576] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: SnapshotTimeout: 900 secs
00:10:29.865 [2176.6576] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RegisterTimeout: 180 secs
00:10:29.865 [2176.6576] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: BrowseTimeout: 3 secs
00:10:29.865 [2176.6576] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RefreshTimeout: 3 secs
00:10:29.865 [2176.6576] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for vmcloglevel
00:10:29.865 [2176.6576]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:29.865 [2176.6576] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: vmcloglevel=0
00:10:29.958 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: Login: key            = 5203fb6b-a680-33f1-f506-6d362a89ae56
00:10:29.958 [2176.6576] dovSphereLogin: sApiType = VirtualCenter
00:10:29.958 [2176.6576] dovSphereLogin: version = 5.1
00:10:29.958 [2176.6576] dovSphereLogin: sBuild = 1064983
00:10:29.958 [2176.6576] dovSphereLogin: full name = VMware vCenter Server 5.1.0 build-1064983
00:10:29.958 [2176.6576] dovSphereLogin: sName = VMware vCenter Server
00:10:29.958 [2176.6576] dovSphereLogin: sOsType = win32-x64
00:10:29.958 [2176.6576] dovSphereLogin: sProductLineId = vpx
00:10:29.958 [2176.6576] dovSphereLogin: sVersion = 5.1.0
00:10:29.958 [2176.6576] dovSphereLogin: sServerCurrentTime = Thu Jan 30 00:10:30 2014
00:10:29.958 [2176.6576] dovSphereLogin: login for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 70 and status 0
00:10:29.958 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:10:35.621 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:35.699 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:35.715 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:35.715 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:35.715 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:35.715 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:35.715 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:35.715 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:35.761 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:35.761 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:35.761 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:35.761 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:35.761 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:35.761 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:35.761 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:35.902 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:10:35.902 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:10:35.917 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:10:35.917 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:10:35.933 [2176.6576] vmwareLogger: Logout: returned 0
00:10:36.042 [2176.6576] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:10:36.042 [2176.6576] <2> browseDatastoreTree: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK B16-SCC-VC-1_lock fd = 624 -> lockname = B16-SCC-VC-1_lock
00:10:36.042 [2176.6576] <2> browseDatastoreTree: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\B16-SCC-VC-1_datas_tree.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-02176391020829521576000000000-a06576 returned 0
00:10:36.058 [2176.6576] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
00:10:53.358 [6676.6840] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 3328 <VirtualMachine><Name>B16-STG-048-1111</Name></VirtualMachine>
00:10:53.358 [6676.6840] virt_test_log: log function is called
00:10:53.358 [6676.6840] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 13 ESXMount = <VirtualMachine><Name>B16-STG-048-1111</Name></VirtualMachine>
 ESXserver = B16-SCC-VC-1, flags = 0
00:10:53.358 [6676.6840] find_virtual_server_cred: Looking for: B16-SCC-VC-1
00:10:53.389 [6676.6840] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 420
00:10:53.389 [6676.6840] <8> vnet_check_vxss_client_magic_with_info: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:871] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2
00:10:53.483 [6676.6840] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for excludeVMservers
00:10:53.483 [6676.6840]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:53.483 [6676.6840] format_virtualserver_cred: read 1 B16-SCC-VC-1 scc-netbackup af1775bc1d4e917f2c49c7732268a553d2030dbe9e8b7ddbb1915e9e107730808af2f286f7d3bc0da233f80dbe1fdd26c206918abcec6cea95ff870c4b0a49c0 18175 0
00:10:53.483 [6676.6840] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:10:53.483 [6676.6840] listMatchingVM: Listing matching VMs on B16-SCC-VC-1
00:10:53.483 [6676.6840] find_vm_by_displayname: Looking for B16-STG-048-1111
00:10:53.483 [6676.6840] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for connecttimeout
00:10:53.483 [6676.6840]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:53.483 [6676.6840] vSphereConnect: ConnectTimeout: 300 secs
00:10:53.483 [6676.6840] vSphereConnect: connecting to https://B16-SCC-VC-1/sdk
00:10:53.483 [6676.6840] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:10:53.733 [6676.6840] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for jobtimeout
00:10:53.733 [6676.6840]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:53.733 [6676.6840] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for poweroptimeout
00:10:53.733 [6676.6840]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:53.733 [6676.6840] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for snapshottimeout
00:10:53.733 [6676.6840]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:53.733 [6676.6840] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for registertimeout
00:10:53.733 [6676.6840]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:53.733 [6676.6840] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for browsetimeout
00:10:53.733 [6676.6840]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:53.733 [6676.6840] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for refreshtimeout
00:10:53.733 [6676.6840]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:53.733 [6676.6840] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: JobTimeout: 900 secs
00:10:53.733 [6676.6840] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: PowerOpTimeout: 900 secs
00:10:53.733 [6676.6840] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: SnapshotTimeout: 900 secs
00:10:53.733 [6676.6840] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RegisterTimeout: 180 secs
00:10:53.733 [6676.6840] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: BrowseTimeout: 3 secs
00:10:53.733 [6676.6840] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RefreshTimeout: 3 secs
00:10:53.733 [6676.6840] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for vmcloglevel
00:10:53.733 [6676.6840]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:10:53.733 [6676.6840] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: vmcloglevel=0
00:10:53.842 [6676.6840] vmwareLogger: Login: key            = 52222827-8fb2-2143-5e46-694e4aec4225
00:10:53.842 [6676.6840] dovSphereLogin: sApiType = VirtualCenter
00:10:53.842 [6676.6840] dovSphereLogin: version = 5.1
00:10:53.842 [6676.6840] dovSphereLogin: sBuild = 1064983
00:10:53.842 [6676.6840] dovSphereLogin: full name = VMware vCenter Server 5.1.0 build-1064983
00:10:53.842 [6676.6840] dovSphereLogin: sName = VMware vCenter Server
00:10:53.842 [6676.6840] dovSphereLogin: sOsType = win32-x64
00:10:53.842 [6676.6840] dovSphereLogin: sProductLineId = vpx
00:10:53.842 [6676.6840] dovSphereLogin: sVersion = 5.1.0
00:10:53.842 [6676.6840] dovSphereLogin: sServerCurrentTime = Thu Jan 30 00:10:54 2014
00:10:53.842 [6676.6840] dovSphereLogin: login for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 70 and status 0
00:10:53.842 [6676.6840] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:10:59.458 [6676.6840] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:59.551 [6676.6840] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:59.567 [6676.6840] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:59.567 [6676.6840] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:59.567 [6676.6840] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:59.567 [6676.6840] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:59.567 [6676.6840] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:59.567 [6676.6840] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:59.614 [6676.6840] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:59.614 [6676.6840] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:59.614 [6676.6840] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:59.614 [6676.6840] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:59.614 [6676.6840] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:59.614 [6676.6840] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:59.614 [6676.6840] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:10:59.754 [6676.6840] vmwareLogger: RetrieveDcMorAndObjMorFromPath: SYM_VMC_ERROR:  FAILED_TO_GET_MOB
00:10:59.754 [6676.6840] vmwareLogger: GetObjDetails: SYM_VMC_ERROR:  FAILED_TO_GET_MOB
00:10:59.754 [6676.6840] find_vm_by_displayname: vmcGetObjDetails DataSet2_i failed with status 18
00:10:59.754 [6676.6840] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 227: no entity was found
00:11:27.975 [6184.6240] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 3328 <VirtualMachine><Name>B16-STG-048-1111</Name></VirtualMachine>
00:11:27.975 [6184.6240] virt_test_log: log function is called
00:11:27.975 [6184.6240] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 13 ESXMount = <VirtualMachine><Name>B16-STG-048-1111</Name></VirtualMachine>
 ESXserver = B16-SCC-VC-1, flags = 0
00:11:27.975 [6184.6240] find_virtual_server_cred: Looking for: B16-SCC-VC-1
00:11:27.990 [6184.6240] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 420
00:11:27.990 [6184.6240] <8> vnet_check_vxss_client_magic_with_info: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:871] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2
00:11:28.099 [6184.6240] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for excludeVMservers
00:11:28.099 [6184.6240]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:11:28.099 [6184.6240] format_virtualserver_cred: read 1 B16-SCC-VC-1 scc-netbackup af1775bc1d4e917f2c49c7732268a553d2030dbe9e8b7ddbb1915e9e107730808af2f286f7d3bc0da233f80dbe1fdd26c206918abcec6cea95ff870c4b0a49c0 18175 0
00:11:28.099 [6184.6240] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:11:28.099 [6184.6240] listMatchingVM: Listing matching VMs on B16-SCC-VC-1
00:11:28.099 [6184.6240] find_vm_by_displayname: Looking for B16-STG-048-1111
00:11:28.099 [6184.6240] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for connecttimeout
00:11:28.099 [6184.6240]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:11:28.099 [6184.6240] vSphereConnect: ConnectTimeout: 300 secs
00:11:28.099 [6184.6240] vSphereConnect: connecting to https://B16-SCC-VC-1/sdk
00:11:28.099 [6184.6240] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:11:28.333 [6184.6240] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for jobtimeout
00:11:28.333 [6184.6240]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:11:28.333 [6184.6240] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for poweroptimeout
00:11:28.333 [6184.6240]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:11:28.333 [6184.6240] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for snapshottimeout
00:11:28.333 [6184.6240]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:11:28.333 [6184.6240] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for registertimeout
00:11:28.333 [6184.6240]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:11:28.333 [6184.6240] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for browsetimeout
00:11:28.333 [6184.6240]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:11:28.333 [6184.6240] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for refreshtimeout
00:11:28.333 [6184.6240]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:11:28.333 [6184.6240] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: JobTimeout: 900 secs
00:11:28.333 [6184.6240] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: PowerOpTimeout: 900 secs
00:11:28.333 [6184.6240] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: SnapshotTimeout: 900 secs
00:11:28.333 [6184.6240] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RegisterTimeout: 180 secs
00:11:28.333 [6184.6240] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: BrowseTimeout: 3 secs
00:11:28.333 [6184.6240] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RefreshTimeout: 3 secs
00:11:28.333 [6184.6240] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for vmcloglevel
00:11:28.333 [6184.6240]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:11:28.333 [6184.6240] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: vmcloglevel=0
00:11:28.458 [6184.6240] vmwareLogger: Login: key            = 52fc5516-44c1-1f3a-55d6-fe43491c0a83
00:11:28.458 [6184.6240] dovSphereLogin: sApiType = VirtualCenter
00:11:28.458 [6184.6240] dovSphereLogin: version = 5.1
00:11:28.458 [6184.6240] dovSphereLogin: sBuild = 1064983
00:11:28.458 [6184.6240] dovSphereLogin: full name = VMware vCenter Server 5.1.0 build-1064983
00:11:28.458 [6184.6240] dovSphereLogin: sName = VMware vCenter Server
00:11:28.458 [6184.6240] dovSphereLogin: sOsType = win32-x64
00:11:28.458 [6184.6240] dovSphereLogin: sProductLineId = vpx
00:11:28.458 [6184.6240] dovSphereLogin: sVersion = 5.1.0
00:11:28.458 [6184.6240] dovSphereLogin: sServerCurrentTime = Thu Jan 30 00:11:28 2014
00:11:28.458 [6184.6240] dovSphereLogin: login for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 70 and status 0
00:11:28.458 [6184.6240] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:11:34.137 [6184.6240] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:34.230 [6184.6240] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:34.246 [6184.6240] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:34.246 [6184.6240] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:34.246 [6184.6240] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:34.246 [6184.6240] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:34.246 [6184.6240] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:34.246 [6184.6240] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:34.293 [6184.6240] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:34.293 [6184.6240] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:34.293 [6184.6240] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:34.293 [6184.6240] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:34.293 [6184.6240] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:34.293 [6184.6240] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:34.293 [6184.6240] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:34.449 [6184.6240] vmwareLogger: RetrieveDcMorAndObjMorFromPath: SYM_VMC_ERROR:  FAILED_TO_GET_MOB
00:11:34.449 [6184.6240] vmwareLogger: GetObjDetails: SYM_VMC_ERROR:  FAILED_TO_GET_MOB
00:11:34.449 [6184.6240] find_vm_by_displayname: vmcGetObjDetails DataSet2_i failed with status 18
00:11:34.449 [6184.6240] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 227: no entity was found
00:11:40.423 [7008.6628] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 4352 B16-SCC-VC-1 
00:11:40.423 [7008.6628] virt_test_log: log function is called
00:11:40.423 [7008.6628] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 17 ESXMount = ESXserver = B16-SCC-VC-1, flags = 0
00:11:40.423 [7008.6628] generateServerFiles: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 15 minutes -> WRITE LOCK B16-SCC-VC-1_lock fd = 236 -> lockname = B16-SCC-VC-1_lock
00:11:40.423 [7008.6628] generateServerFiles: checking file C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\
00:11:40.423 [7008.6628] generateServerFiles: checking file C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\
00:11:40.423 [7008.6628] generateServerFiles: checking file C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\
00:11:40.423 [7008.6628] generateServerFiles: checking file C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\
00:11:40.423 [7008.6628] generateServerFiles: checking file C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\
00:11:40.423 [7008.6628] <2> browseNetworks: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK fd = 236 -> lockname =
00:11:40.439 [7008.6628] <2> browseNetworks: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\ to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-07008391020900423628000000000-a06628 returned 0
00:11:40.439 [7008.6628] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
00:11:49.159 [6052.6560] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 1024 C:\Windows\TEMP\VMval-06212391020909113440000000001-a04440 B16-SCC-VC-1 
00:11:49.159 [6052.6560] virt_test_log: log function is called
00:11:49.159 [6052.6560] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 4 ESXMount = C:\Windows\TEMP\VMval-06212391020909113440000000001-a04440 ESXserver = B16-SCC-VC-1, flags = 0
00:11:49.175 [6052.6560] <2> dumpXMLFile: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<VMRestoreConfiguration><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="VmRestoreType" V
00:11:49.175 [6052.6560] <2> dumpXMLFile: alue="vStorage"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="VmDisplayName" Value="B16-STG-048-1111"/><VMRestoreConfigurati
00:11:49.175 [6052.6560] <2> dumpXMLFile: onElement Keyword="VmUuid" Value="50248e26-0587-0b39-deaf-c34991347fa2"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="VmHost
00:11:49.175 [6052.6560] <2> dumpXMLFile: " Value=""/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="Datacenter" Value="/S+CC"/><VMRestoreConfig
00:11:49.175 [6052.6560] <2> dumpXMLFile: urationElement Keyword="Folder" Value="/S+CC/vm/Staging/"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="Datastore" Value="ST
00:11:49.175 [6052.6560] <2> dumpXMLFile: G-SATA-B-NEW"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="ResourcePool" Value="/S+CC/host/5) STAGING/Resources"/><VMRestor
00:11:49.175 [6052.6560] <2> dumpXMLFile: eConfigurationElement Keyword="VmOverwrite" Value="false"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="VmIdentityRestore" V
00:11:49.175 [6052.6560] <2> dumpXMLFile: alue="false"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="TransferType" Value="san:hotadd:nbd:nbdssl"/><Datastore Name="STG
00:11:49.175 [6052.6560] <2> dumpXMLFile: -SATA-B-NEW" RequiredMbytes="102400"/><VMDK Name="STG-SATA-B-NEW\B16-STG-048\B16-STG-048.vmdk" SizeMbytes="102400"/></V
00:11:49.175 [6052.6560] <2> dumpXMLFile: MRestoreConfiguration>
00:11:49.175 [6052.6560] vm_test_restore: ESXhost =
00:11:49.175 [6052.6560] vm_test_restore: transportTypes = san:hotadd:nbd:nbdssl.
00:11:49.175 [6052.6560] find_virtual_server_cred: Looking for: B16-SCC-VC-1
00:11:49.191 [6052.6560] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 420
00:11:49.191 [6052.6560] <8> vnet_check_vxss_client_magic_with_info: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:871] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2
00:11:49.284 [6052.6560] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for excludeVMservers
00:11:49.284 [6052.6560]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:11:49.284 [6052.6560] format_virtualserver_cred: read 1 B16-SCC-VC-1 scc-netbackup af1775bc1d4e917f2c49c7732268a553d2030dbe9e8b7ddbb1915e9e107730808af2f286f7d3bc0da233f80dbe1fdd26c206918abcec6cea95ff870c4b0a49c0 18175 0
00:11:49.284 [6052.6560] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:11:49.284 [6052.6560] getDatastoresList: Creating List of datastores on B16-SCC-VC-1 for
00:11:49.284 [6052.6560] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for connecttimeout
00:11:49.284 [6052.6560]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:11:49.284 [6052.6560] vSphereConnect: ConnectTimeout: 300 secs
00:11:49.284 [6052.6560] vSphereConnect: connecting to https://B16-SCC-VC-1/sdk
00:11:49.284 [6052.6560] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:11:49.549 [6052.6560] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for jobtimeout
00:11:49.549 [6052.6560]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:11:49.549 [6052.6560] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for poweroptimeout
00:11:49.549 [6052.6560]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:11:49.549 [6052.6560] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for snapshottimeout
00:11:49.549 [6052.6560]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:11:49.549 [6052.6560] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for registertimeout
00:11:49.549 [6052.6560]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:11:49.549 [6052.6560] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for browsetimeout
00:11:49.549 [6052.6560]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:11:49.549 [6052.6560] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for refreshtimeout
00:11:49.549 [6052.6560]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:11:49.549 [6052.6560] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: JobTimeout: 900 secs
00:11:49.549 [6052.6560] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: PowerOpTimeout: 900 secs
00:11:49.549 [6052.6560] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: SnapshotTimeout: 900 secs
00:11:49.549 [6052.6560] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RegisterTimeout: 180 secs
00:11:49.549 [6052.6560] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: BrowseTimeout: 3 secs
00:11:49.549 [6052.6560] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RefreshTimeout: 3 secs
00:11:49.549 [6052.6560] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for vmcloglevel
00:11:49.549 [6052.6560]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:11:49.549 [6052.6560] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: vmcloglevel=0
00:11:49.659 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: Login: key            = 524e4399-130f-4053-0b4d-723440c723f5
00:11:49.659 [6052.6560] dovSphereLogin: sApiType = VirtualCenter
00:11:49.659 [6052.6560] dovSphereLogin: version = 5.1
00:11:49.659 [6052.6560] dovSphereLogin: sBuild = 1064983
00:11:49.659 [6052.6560] dovSphereLogin: full name = VMware vCenter Server 5.1.0 build-1064983
00:11:49.659 [6052.6560] dovSphereLogin: sName = VMware vCenter Server
00:11:49.659 [6052.6560] dovSphereLogin: sOsType = win32-x64
00:11:49.659 [6052.6560] dovSphereLogin: sProductLineId = vpx
00:11:49.659 [6052.6560] dovSphereLogin: sVersion = 5.1.0
00:11:49.659 [6052.6560] dovSphereLogin: sServerCurrentTime = Thu Jan 30 00:11:49 2014
00:11:49.659 [6052.6560] dovSphereLogin: login for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 70 and status 0
00:11:49.721 [6052.6560] getStoragePodMap: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 15 minutes -> WRITE LOCK B16-SCC-VC-1hview_lock fd = 632 -> lockname = B16-SCC-VC-1hview_lock
00:11:49.721 [6052.6560] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for xmlCacheLimit
00:11:49.721 [6052.6560]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:11:49.737 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:11:55.446 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:55.540 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:55.540 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:55.540 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:55.540 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:55.555 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:55.555 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:55.555 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:55.587 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:55.587 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:55.587 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:55.587 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:55.587 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:55.587 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:55.587 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:11:55.743 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:11:55.743 [6052.6560] validateFolderPath: Folder path is /S+CC/vm/Staging/
00:12:00.703 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: WaitForTaskCompleteEx: reached Error!
00:12:00.703 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: WaitForTaskCompleteEx: File [STG-SATA-B-NEW]B16-STG-048-1111 was not found <184>
00:12:00.703 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: WaitForTaskCompleteEx: SYM_VMC_ERROR:  TASK_REACHED_ERROR_STATE
00:12:00.703 [6052.6560] validateOverwrite: Validate datastore path - host =, dcpath = [STG-SATA-B-NEW]B16-STG-048-1111.
00:12:05.992 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: WaitForTaskCompleteEx: reached Error!
00:12:05.992 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: WaitForTaskCompleteEx: File [STG-SATA-B-NEW]B16-STG-048-1111 was not found <184>
00:12:05.992 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: WaitForTaskCompleteEx: SYM_VMC_ERROR:  TASK_REACHED_ERROR_STATE
00:12:05.992 [6052.6560] validateOverwrite: Validate datastore path - host =, dcpath = [STG-SATA-B-NEW]B16-STG-048-1111.
00:12:05.992 [6052.6560] validateOverwrite: bVmXdirExists = 0.
00:12:05.992 [6052.6560] find_vm_by_displayname: Looking for B16-STG-048-1111
00:12:05.992 [6052.6560] dovSphereLogin: server B16-SCC-VC-1 already logged in
00:12:05.992 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: RetrieveDcMorAndObjMorFromPath: SYM_VMC_ERROR:  FAILED_TO_GET_MOB
00:12:05.992 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: GetObjDetails: SYM_VMC_ERROR:  FAILED_TO_GET_MOB
00:12:05.992 [6052.6560] find_vm_by_displayname: vmcGetObjDetails DataSet2_i failed with status 18
00:12:05.992 [6052.6560] <8> file_to_cache_item: [vnet_addrinfo.c:6555] fopen() failed ERRNO=2 FILE=C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\var\host_cache\07d\bc18f27d+0,1,2,0,1,0+b16-scc-vc-1.txt
00:12:06.007 [6052.6560] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for connecttimeout
00:12:06.007 [6052.6560]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:12:06.007 [6052.6560] vSphereConnect: ConnectTimeout: 300 secs
00:12:06.007 [6052.6560] vSphereConnect: connecting to https://B16-SCC-VC-1/sdk
00:12:06.023 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: Logout: returned 0
00:12:06.273 [6052.6560] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:12:06.288 [6052.6560] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for jobtimeout
00:12:06.288 [6052.6560]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:12:06.288 [6052.6560] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for poweroptimeout
00:12:06.288 [6052.6560]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:12:06.288 [6052.6560] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for snapshottimeout
00:12:06.288 [6052.6560]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:12:06.288 [6052.6560] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for registertimeout
00:12:06.288 [6052.6560]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:12:06.288 [6052.6560] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for browsetimeout
00:12:06.288 [6052.6560]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:12:06.288 [6052.6560] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for refreshtimeout
00:12:06.288 [6052.6560]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:12:06.288 [6052.6560] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: JobTimeout: 900 secs
00:12:06.288 [6052.6560] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: PowerOpTimeout: 900 secs
00:12:06.288 [6052.6560] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: SnapshotTimeout: 900 secs
00:12:06.288 [6052.6560] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RegisterTimeout: 180 secs
00:12:06.288 [6052.6560] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: BrowseTimeout: 3 secs
00:12:06.288 [6052.6560] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RefreshTimeout: 3 secs
00:12:06.288 [6052.6560] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for vmcloglevel
00:12:06.288 [6052.6560]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:12:06.288 [6052.6560] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: vmcloglevel=0
00:12:06.366 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: Login: key            = 52d5098b-b5b8-dbc3-ff13-561499f38d7f
00:12:06.366 [6052.6560] vmwareLogger: Logout: returned 0
00:12:06.366 [6052.6560] <2> cmn_test_VM_cred: Verified credentials with VIX API
00:12:06.366 [6052.6560] vm_test_restore: Done Saved XML to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-06052391020909175560000000000-a06560
00:12:06.366 [6052.6560] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:12:06.366 [6052.6560] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
00:13:09.998 [6180.5540] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 1024 C:\Windows\TEMP\VMval-03332391020989952932000000001-a06932 B16-SCC-VC-1 
00:13:09.998 [6180.5540] virt_test_log: log function is called
00:13:09.998 [6180.5540] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 4 ESXMount = C:\Windows\TEMP\VMval-03332391020989952932000000001-a06932 ESXserver = B16-SCC-VC-1, flags = 0
00:13:09.998 [6180.5540] <2> dumpXMLFile: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<VMRestoreConfiguration><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="VmRestoreType" V
00:13:09.998 [6180.5540] <2> dumpXMLFile: alue="vStorage"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="VmDisplayName" Value="B16-STG-048-1111"/><VMRestoreConfigurati
00:13:09.998 [6180.5540] <2> dumpXMLFile: onElement Keyword="VmUuid" Value="50248e26-0587-0b39-deaf-c34991347fa2"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="VmHost
00:13:09.998 [6180.5540] <2> dumpXMLFile: " Value=""/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="Datacenter" Value="/S+CC"/><VMRestoreConfig
00:13:09.998 [6180.5540] <2> dumpXMLFile: urationElement Keyword="Folder" Value="/S+CC/vm/Staging/"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="Datastore" Value="ST
00:13:09.998 [6180.5540] <2> dumpXMLFile: G-SATA-B-NEW"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="ResourcePool" Value="/S+CC/host/5) STAGING/Resources"/><VMRestor
00:13:09.998 [6180.5540] <2> dumpXMLFile: eConfigurationElement Keyword="VmOverwrite" Value="false"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="VmIdentityRestore" V
00:13:09.998 [6180.5540] <2> dumpXMLFile: alue="false"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="TransferType" Value="san:hotadd:nbd:nbdssl"/><Datastore Name="STG
00:13:09.998 [6180.5540] <2> dumpXMLFile: -SATA-B-NEW" RequiredMbytes="102400"/><VMDK Name="STG-SATA-B-NEW\B16-STG-048\B16-STG-048.vmdk" SizeMbytes="102400"/></V
00:13:09.998 [6180.5540] <2> dumpXMLFile: MRestoreConfiguration>
00:13:09.998 [6180.5540] vm_test_restore: ESXhost =
00:13:09.998 [6180.5540] vm_test_restore: transportTypes = san:hotadd:nbd:nbdssl.
00:13:09.998 [6180.5540] find_virtual_server_cred: Looking for: B16-SCC-VC-1
00:13:10.014 [6180.5540] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 420
00:13:10.014 [6180.5540] <8> vnet_check_vxss_client_magic_with_info: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:871] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2
00:13:10.108 [6180.5540] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for excludeVMservers
00:13:10.108 [6180.5540]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:10.108 [6180.5540] format_virtualserver_cred: read 1 B16-SCC-VC-1 scc-netbackup af1775bc1d4e917f2c49c7732268a553d2030dbe9e8b7ddbb1915e9e107730808af2f286f7d3bc0da233f80dbe1fdd26c206918abcec6cea95ff870c4b0a49c0 18175 0
00:13:10.108 [6180.5540] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:13:10.108 [6180.5540] getDatastoresList: Creating List of datastores on B16-SCC-VC-1 for
00:13:10.108 [6180.5540] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for connecttimeout
00:13:10.108 [6180.5540]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:10.108 [6180.5540] vSphereConnect: ConnectTimeout: 300 secs
00:13:10.108 [6180.5540] vSphereConnect: connecting to https://B16-SCC-VC-1/sdk
00:13:10.108 [6180.5540] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:13:10.342 [6180.5540] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for jobtimeout
00:13:10.342 [6180.5540]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:10.342 [6180.5540] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for poweroptimeout
00:13:10.342 [6180.5540]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:10.342 [6180.5540] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for snapshottimeout
00:13:10.342 [6180.5540]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:10.342 [6180.5540] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for registertimeout
00:13:10.342 [6180.5540]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:10.342 [6180.5540] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for browsetimeout
00:13:10.342 [6180.5540]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:10.342 [6180.5540] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for refreshtimeout
00:13:10.342 [6180.5540]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:10.342 [6180.5540] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: JobTimeout: 900 secs
00:13:10.342 [6180.5540] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: PowerOpTimeout: 900 secs
00:13:10.342 [6180.5540] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: SnapshotTimeout: 900 secs
00:13:10.342 [6180.5540] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RegisterTimeout: 180 secs
00:13:10.342 [6180.5540] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: BrowseTimeout: 3 secs
00:13:10.342 [6180.5540] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RefreshTimeout: 3 secs
00:13:10.342 [6180.5540] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for vmcloglevel
00:13:10.342 [6180.5540]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:10.342 [6180.5540] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: vmcloglevel=0
00:13:10.466 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: Login: key            = 52f92822-c4de-7ea0-e73f-43a62ed8ad5d
00:13:10.466 [6180.5540] dovSphereLogin: sApiType = VirtualCenter
00:13:10.466 [6180.5540] dovSphereLogin: version = 5.1
00:13:10.466 [6180.5540] dovSphereLogin: sBuild = 1064983
00:13:10.466 [6180.5540] dovSphereLogin: full name = VMware vCenter Server 5.1.0 build-1064983
00:13:10.466 [6180.5540] dovSphereLogin: sName = VMware vCenter Server
00:13:10.466 [6180.5540] dovSphereLogin: sOsType = win32-x64
00:13:10.466 [6180.5540] dovSphereLogin: sProductLineId = vpx
00:13:10.466 [6180.5540] dovSphereLogin: sVersion = 5.1.0
00:13:10.466 [6180.5540] dovSphereLogin: sServerCurrentTime = Thu Jan 30 00:13:10 2014
00:13:10.466 [6180.5540] dovSphereLogin: login for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 70 and status 0
00:13:10.529 [6180.5540] getStoragePodMap: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 15 minutes -> WRITE LOCK B16-SCC-VC-1hview_lock fd = 636 -> lockname = B16-SCC-VC-1hview_lock
00:13:10.529 [6180.5540] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for xmlCacheLimit
00:13:10.529 [6180.5540]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:10.544 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:13:16.160 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:16.254 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:16.270 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:16.270 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:16.270 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:16.270 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:16.270 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:16.270 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:16.301 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:16.301 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:16.301 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:16.301 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:16.301 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:16.301 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:16.301 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:16.457 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:13:16.457 [6180.5540] validateFolderPath: Folder path is /S+CC/vm/Staging/
00:13:21.402 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: WaitForTaskCompleteEx: reached Error!
00:13:21.402 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: WaitForTaskCompleteEx: File [STG-SATA-B-NEW]B16-STG-048-1111 was not found <184>
00:13:21.402 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: WaitForTaskCompleteEx: SYM_VMC_ERROR:  TASK_REACHED_ERROR_STATE
00:13:21.402 [6180.5540] validateOverwrite: Validate datastore path - host =, dcpath = [STG-SATA-B-NEW]B16-STG-048-1111.
00:13:26.378 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: WaitForTaskCompleteEx: reached Error!
00:13:26.378 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: WaitForTaskCompleteEx: File [STG-SATA-B-NEW]B16-STG-048-1111 was not found <184>
00:13:26.378 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: WaitForTaskCompleteEx: SYM_VMC_ERROR:  TASK_REACHED_ERROR_STATE
00:13:26.378 [6180.5540] validateOverwrite: Validate datastore path - host =, dcpath = [STG-SATA-B-NEW]B16-STG-048-1111.
00:13:26.378 [6180.5540] validateOverwrite: bVmXdirExists = 0.
00:13:26.378 [6180.5540] find_vm_by_displayname: Looking for B16-STG-048-1111
00:13:26.378 [6180.5540] dovSphereLogin: server B16-SCC-VC-1 already logged in
00:13:26.378 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: RetrieveDcMorAndObjMorFromPath: SYM_VMC_ERROR:  FAILED_TO_GET_MOB
00:13:26.378 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: GetObjDetails: SYM_VMC_ERROR:  FAILED_TO_GET_MOB
00:13:26.378 [6180.5540] find_vm_by_displayname: vmcGetObjDetails DataSet2_i failed with status 18
00:13:26.378 [6180.5540] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for connecttimeout
00:13:26.378 [6180.5540]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:26.378 [6180.5540] vSphereConnect: ConnectTimeout: 300 secs
00:13:26.378 [6180.5540] vSphereConnect: connecting to https://B16-SCC-VC-1/sdk
00:13:26.394 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: Logout: returned 0
00:13:26.612 [6180.5540] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:13:26.628 [6180.5540] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for jobtimeout
00:13:26.628 [6180.5540]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:26.628 [6180.5540] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for poweroptimeout
00:13:26.628 [6180.5540]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:26.628 [6180.5540] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for snapshottimeout
00:13:26.628 [6180.5540]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:26.628 [6180.5540] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for registertimeout
00:13:26.628 [6180.5540]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:26.628 [6180.5540] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for browsetimeout
00:13:26.628 [6180.5540]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:26.628 [6180.5540] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for refreshtimeout
00:13:26.628 [6180.5540]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:26.628 [6180.5540] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: JobTimeout: 900 secs
00:13:26.628 [6180.5540] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: PowerOpTimeout: 900 secs
00:13:26.628 [6180.5540] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: SnapshotTimeout: 900 secs
00:13:26.628 [6180.5540] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RegisterTimeout: 180 secs
00:13:26.628 [6180.5540] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: BrowseTimeout: 3 secs
00:13:26.628 [6180.5540] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RefreshTimeout: 3 secs
00:13:26.628 [6180.5540] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for vmcloglevel
00:13:26.628 [6180.5540]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:26.628 [6180.5540] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: vmcloglevel=0
00:13:26.690 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: Login: key            = 52d37f95-9191-8a84-568e-862ec43036ef
00:13:26.690 [6180.5540] vmwareLogger: Logout: returned 0
00:13:26.690 [6180.5540] <2> cmn_test_VM_cred: Verified credentials with VIX API
00:13:26.690 [6180.5540] vm_test_restore: Done Saved XML to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-06180391020989998540000000000-a05540
00:13:26.706 [6180.5540] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:13:26.706 [6180.5540] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
00:13:44.412 [7084.6516] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 1584 B16-SCC-VC-1 
00:13:44.412 [7084.6516] virt_test_log: log function is called
00:13:44.412 [7084.6516] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 6 ESXMount = ESXserver = B16-SCC-VC-1, flags = 48
00:13:44.412 [7084.6516] <2> bpVMutil main: VMuuid 4224274e-5779-92dd-cd8b-848c900a79c3 VMesxhost VMDisplayName B16-STG-048 VMBackupID B16-STG-048_1390933807 transport mode san-hotadd-nbd-nbdssl
00:13:44.412 [7084.6516] <2> bpVMutil main: XML file is C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\VMXml_B16-STG-048_1390933807.xml
00:13:44.412 [7084.6516] <2> bpVMutil main: Vix file is C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\VMVix_B16-STG-048_1390933807.xml
00:13:44.412 [7084.6516] <2> bpVMutil main: Reading XML...
00:13:44.412 [7084.6516] <2> bpVMutil main: XML read 20128 bytes.
00:13:44.412 [7084.6516] <2> bpVMutil main: renameString read 198 bytes.
00:13:44.412 [7084.6516] <2> bpVMutil main: renameString;datacenter=/S+CC;datastore=STG-SATA-B-NEW;vmname=B16-STG-048-1111;resourcepool=/S+CC/host/5) STAGING/Resources;folder=/S+CC/vm/Staging/;diskdatastores=STG-SATA-B-NEW
00:13:44.412 [7084.6516] find_virtual_server_cred: Looking for: B16-SCC-VC-1
00:13:44.427 [7084.6516] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 424
00:13:44.427 [7084.6516] <8> vnet_check_vxss_client_magic_with_info: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:871] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2
00:13:44.521 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for excludeVMservers
00:13:44.521 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:44.521 [7084.6516] format_virtualserver_cred: read 1 B16-SCC-VC-1 scc-netbackup af1775bc1d4e917f2c49c7732268a553d2030dbe9e8b7ddbb1915e9e107730808af2f286f7d3bc0da233f80dbe1fdd26c206918abcec6cea95ff870c4b0a49c0 18175 0
00:13:44.521 [7084.6516] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:13:44.521 [7084.6516] find_vm_by_displayname: Looking for B16-STG-048-1111
00:13:44.521 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for connecttimeout
00:13:44.521 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:44.521 [7084.6516] vSphereConnect: ConnectTimeout: 300 secs
00:13:44.521 [7084.6516] vSphereConnect: connecting to https://B16-SCC-VC-1/sdk
00:13:44.521 [7084.6516] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:13:44.755 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for jobtimeout
00:13:44.755 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:44.755 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for poweroptimeout
00:13:44.755 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:44.755 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for snapshottimeout
00:13:44.755 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:44.755 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for registertimeout
00:13:44.755 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:44.755 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for browsetimeout
00:13:44.755 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:44.755 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for refreshtimeout
00:13:44.755 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:44.755 [7084.6516] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: JobTimeout: 900 secs
00:13:44.755 [7084.6516] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: PowerOpTimeout: 900 secs
00:13:44.755 [7084.6516] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: SnapshotTimeout: 900 secs
00:13:44.755 [7084.6516] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RegisterTimeout: 180 secs
00:13:44.755 [7084.6516] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: BrowseTimeout: 3 secs
00:13:44.755 [7084.6516] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RefreshTimeout: 3 secs
00:13:44.755 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for vmcloglevel
00:13:44.755 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:44.755 [7084.6516] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: vmcloglevel=0
00:13:44.849 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: Login: key            = 52569405-84eb-2a4f-639e-0f2680a10b4b
00:13:44.849 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: sApiType = VirtualCenter
00:13:44.849 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: version = 5.1
00:13:44.849 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: sBuild = 1064983
00:13:44.849 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: full name = VMware vCenter Server 5.1.0 build-1064983
00:13:44.849 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: sName = VMware vCenter Server
00:13:44.849 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: sOsType = win32-x64
00:13:44.849 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: sProductLineId = vpx
00:13:44.849 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: sVersion = 5.1.0
00:13:44.849 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: sServerCurrentTime = Thu Jan 30 00:13:45 2014
00:13:44.849 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: login for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 70 and status 0
00:13:44.849 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:13:50.465 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:50.558 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:50.574 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:50.574 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:50.574 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:50.574 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:50.574 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:50.574 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:50.621 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:50.621 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:50.621 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:50.621 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:50.621 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:50.621 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:50.621 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:50.761 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveDcMorAndObjMorFromPath: SYM_VMC_ERROR:  FAILED_TO_GET_MOB
00:13:50.761 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: GetObjDetails: SYM_VMC_ERROR:  FAILED_TO_GET_MOB
00:13:50.761 [7084.6516] find_vm_by_displayname: vmcGetObjDetails DataSet2_i failed with status 18
00:13:50.761 [7084.6516] <2> find_vm_by_displayname returned 18: bpVMutil
00:13:50.761 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for addRestoreDisks
00:13:50.761 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:50.761 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: createVMwareVM: original format disks requested
00:13:50.761 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: createVMwareVM: Ignore attached devices that have a file connected
00:13:50.761 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: createVMwareVM: Using transport mode san-hotadd-nbd-nbdssl
00:13:50.761 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: createVMwareVM: Evaluating renameString;datacenter=/S+CC;datastore=STG-SATA-B-NEW;vmname=B16-STG-048-1111;resourcepool=/S+CC/host/5) STAGING/Resources;folder=/S+CC/vm/Staging/;diskdatastores=STG-SATA-B-NEW
00:13:50.761 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: Adding diskDataStores 0 = STG-SATA-B-NEW
00:13:50.761 [7084.6516] find_virtual_server_cred: Looking for: B16-SCC-VC-1
00:13:50.777 [7084.6516] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 644
00:13:50.777 [7084.6516] <8> vnet_check_vxss_client_magic_with_info: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:871] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2
00:13:50.870 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for excludeVMservers
00:13:50.870 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:50.870 [7084.6516] format_virtualserver_cred: read 1 B16-SCC-VC-1 scc-netbackup af1775bc1d4e917f2c49c7732268a553d2030dbe9e8b7ddbb1915e9e107730808af2f286f7d3bc0da233f80dbe1fdd26c206918abcec6cea95ff870c4b0a49c0 18175 0
00:13:50.870 [7084.6516] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:13:50.870 [7084.6516] find_virtual_server_cred: Looking for:
00:13:50.870 [7084.6516] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 640
00:13:50.870 [7084.6516] <8> vnet_check_vxss_client_magic_with_info: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:871] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2
00:13:50.964 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for excludeVMservers
00:13:50.964 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:50.964 [7084.6516] format_virtualserver_cred: read 1 B16-SCC-VC-1 scc-netbackup af1775bc1d4e917f2c49c7732268a553d2030dbe9e8b7ddbb1915e9e107730808af2f286f7d3bc0da233f80dbe1fdd26c206918abcec6cea95ff870c4b0a49c0 18175 0
00:13:50.964 [7084.6516] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:13:50.964 [7084.6516] find_virtual_server_cred: Couldn't find
00:13:50.964 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: find credential failed for ESX host using B16-SCC-VC-1
00:13:50.964 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for UseDiskControllerPrefix
00:13:50.964 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:50.964 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for IgnoreAttachedDevices
00:13:50.964 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:50.964 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for connecttimeout
00:13:50.964 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:50.964 [7084.6516] vSphereConnect: ConnectTimeout: 300 secs
00:13:50.964 [7084.6516] vSphereConnect: connecting to https://B16-SCC-VC-1/sdk
00:13:50.964 [7084.6516] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:13:50.979 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for jobtimeout
00:13:50.979 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:50.979 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for poweroptimeout
00:13:50.979 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:50.979 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for snapshottimeout
00:13:50.979 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:50.979 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for registertimeout
00:13:50.979 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:50.979 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for browsetimeout
00:13:50.979 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:50.979 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for refreshtimeout
00:13:50.979 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:50.979 [7084.6516] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: JobTimeout: 900 secs
00:13:50.979 [7084.6516] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: PowerOpTimeout: 900 secs
00:13:50.979 [7084.6516] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: SnapshotTimeout: 900 secs
00:13:50.979 [7084.6516] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RegisterTimeout: 180 secs
00:13:50.979 [7084.6516] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: BrowseTimeout: 3 secs
00:13:50.979 [7084.6516] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RefreshTimeout: 3 secs
00:13:50.979 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for vmcloglevel
00:13:50.979 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:13:50.979 [7084.6516] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: vmcloglevel=0
00:13:51.042 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: Login: key            = 52140635-5a74-76a3-816f-1627e36d5672
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: sApiType = VirtualCenter
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: version = 5.1
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: sBuild = 1064983
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: full name = VMware vCenter Server 5.1.0 build-1064983
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: sName = VMware vCenter Server
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: sOsType = win32-x64
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: sProductLineId = vpx
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: sVersion = 5.1.0
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: sServerCurrentTime = Thu Jan 30 00:13:51 2014
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: login for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 70 and status 0
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: working datacenter set to /S+CC
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: vmcCreateVirtualMachineEx arguments:
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: Client = B16-SCC-VC-1
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: vmName = B16-STG-048-1111
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: hostName =
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: folder = /S+CC/vm/Staging/
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: resourcePoolPath = /S+CC/host/5) STAGING/Resources
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: VM version = NULL
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: vmDatastoreName = STG-SATA-B-NEW
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: diskDatastores[0] = STG-SATA-B-NEW
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: bThinProvision = 0
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: bEagerlyScrub = 0
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: bWriteThrough = 0
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: bKeepExistingUuid = 0
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: bPreserveNics = 1
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: bStripNetworks = 1
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: bUseVmDatastoreForDisks = 0
00:13:51.057 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:13:55.332 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:55.347 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:55.347 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:55.347 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:55.347 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:55.347 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:55.347 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:55.379 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:55.379 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:55.379 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:55.379 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:55.379 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:55.379 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:55.379 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:13:55.425 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:13:55.457 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: CreateVirtualMachine: Setting VM version to 'vmx-08' since host is version 51
00:13:55.550 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: PopulateConfigSpec: Skipping CdRom device with ISO file
00:13:55.550 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: GetResourcePoolPath: /S+CC/host/5) STAGING/Resources
00:13:55.550 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: CreateVirtualMachine: DRSenabled=false, pod=Null, IsVC=true, version=51
00:13:55.550 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: IsResourcePoolInAVapp: No
00:13:55.550 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: CreateVm: entered
00:13:59.497 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:14:03.771 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:14:03.787 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:14:03.787 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:14:03.787 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:14:03.787 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:14:03.787 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:14:03.787 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:14:03.818 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:14:03.818 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:14:03.818 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:14:03.818 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:14:03.818 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:14:03.818 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:14:03.818 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:14:03.865 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: Created VM; sVMMorName: vm-9177, xmlFile: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\VMXml_B16-STG-048_1390933807.xml
00:14:03.881 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: createVMwareVM: VMpath = /vminstuuid/5024757b-583c-a456-cf04-796c3356e1cb
00:14:03.881 [7084.6516] <2> createVMwareVM: createVMwareVM: moref = moref=vm-9177
00:14:03.881 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: gethostname returned 0 scc-nbu
00:14:03.881 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: freezing /vminstuuid/5024757b-583c-a456-cf04-796c3356e1cb
00:14:03.881 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: logged in to B16-SCC-VC-1
00:14:03.881 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: VMpath = /vminstuuid/5024757b-583c-a456-cf04-796c3356e1cb
00:14:03.896 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: returned from vmcGetObjectInfo status 0
00:14:03.896 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: calling getVMdetails
00:14:03.896 [7084.6516] getVMdetails: powerState = poweredOff
00:14:03.896 [7084.6516] getVMdetails: Found 0 snapshots
00:14:03.896 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: getVMdetails returned 0
00:14:03.896 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: templatePath = (null)
00:14:03.896 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: creating snapshot for /vminstuuid/5024757b-583c-a456-cf04-796c3356e1cb
00:15:01.039 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: freeze returned 0
00:15:01.039 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: path = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\VMVix_B16-STG-048_1390933807.xml
00:15:01.039 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: Using transport mode string san:hotadd:nbd:nbdssl
00:15:01.070 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: vmcGetObjDetails of /vminstuuid/5024757b-583c-a456-cf04-796c3356e1cb returned 0
00:15:01.101 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: vmcGetAllSnapshotDiskDetails returned 0
00:15:01.101 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: found 1 files
00:15:01.101 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: snapmor snapshot-9178
00:15:01.101 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: Adding disks in ascending order
00:15:01.101 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: 0 found STG-SATA-B-NEW datastore
00:15:01.101 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: 0 found [STG-SATA-B-NEW] B16-STG-048-1111/B16-STG-048-1111.vmdk file name
00:15:01.101 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: 0 found Hard disk 1 disk label
00:15:01.101 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: 0 found scsi0-0 disk ctlr
00:15:01.101 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: 0 found Mode persistent
00:15:01.101 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: 0 found capacity 104857600
00:15:01.101 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: 0 found unit number 0
00:15:01.101 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: 0 found key 2000
00:15:01.101 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: 0 found controllerkey 1000
00:15:01.101 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: 0 found diskUUID 6000C29e-482c-ebe9-140e-17e58480933c
00:15:01.101 [7084.6516] restore_freeze: 0 found compatibility mode: dependent
00:15:01.117 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: Logout: returned 0
00:15:01.257 [7084.6516] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:15:01.257 [7084.6516] find_virtual_server_cred: Looking for: B16-SCC-VC-1
00:15:01.257 [7084.6516] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 624
00:15:01.257 [7084.6516] <8> vnet_check_vxss_client_magic_with_info: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:871] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2
00:15:01.351 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for excludeVMservers
00:15:01.351 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:15:01.351 [7084.6516] format_virtualserver_cred: read 1 B16-SCC-VC-1 scc-netbackup af1775bc1d4e917f2c49c7732268a553d2030dbe9e8b7ddbb1915e9e107730808af2f286f7d3bc0da233f80dbe1fdd26c206918abcec6cea95ff870c4b0a49c0 18175 0
00:15:01.351 [7084.6516] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:15:01.351 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for connecttimeout
00:15:01.351 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:15:01.351 [7084.6516] vSphereConnect: ConnectTimeout: 300 secs
00:15:01.351 [7084.6516] vSphereConnect: connecting to https://B16-SCC-VC-1/sdk
00:15:01.351 [7084.6516] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:15:01.366 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for jobtimeout
00:15:01.366 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:15:01.366 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for poweroptimeout
00:15:01.366 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:15:01.366 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for snapshottimeout
00:15:01.366 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:15:01.366 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for registertimeout
00:15:01.366 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:15:01.366 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for browsetimeout
00:15:01.366 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:15:01.366 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for refreshtimeout
00:15:01.366 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:15:01.366 [7084.6516] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: JobTimeout: 900 secs
00:15:01.366 [7084.6516] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: PowerOpTimeout: 900 secs
00:15:01.366 [7084.6516] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: SnapshotTimeout: 900 secs
00:15:01.366 [7084.6516] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RegisterTimeout: 180 secs
00:15:01.366 [7084.6516] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: BrowseTimeout: 3 secs
00:15:01.366 [7084.6516] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RefreshTimeout: 3 secs
00:15:01.366 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for vmcloglevel
00:15:01.366 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:15:01.366 [7084.6516] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: vmcloglevel=0
00:15:01.507 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: Login: key            = 52cdfe66-40f6-6925-88f3-90456affa2db
00:15:01.507 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: sApiType = VirtualCenter
00:15:01.507 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: version = 5.1
00:15:01.507 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: sBuild = 1064983
00:15:01.507 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: full name = VMware vCenter Server 5.1.0 build-1064983
00:15:01.507 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: sName = VMware vCenter Server
00:15:01.507 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: sOsType = win32-x64
00:15:01.507 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: sProductLineId = vpx
00:15:01.507 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: sVersion = 5.1.0
00:15:01.507 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: sServerCurrentTime = Thu Jan 30 00:15:01 2014
00:15:01.507 [7084.6516] dovSphereLogin: login for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 70 and status 0
00:15:01.522 [7084.6516] vddkLog: VixDiskLib: config options: libdir 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\VERITAS\VxMS\Shared\VDDK', tmpDir 'C:\Windows\TEMP\vmware-SYSTEM'.
00:15:01.522 [7084.6516] vddkLog: VixDiskLib: Attempting to locate advanced transport module in "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VERITAS\VxMS\Shared\VDDK\plugins".
00:15:01.600 [7084.6516] vddkLog: VixDiskLib: Advanced transport plugin was successfully loaded into vixDiskLib.
00:15:01.600 [7084.6516] vddkLog: VixDiskLib: Enabling advanced transport modes.
00:15:01.600 [7084.6516] vddkLog: VixDiskLib: Transport modes available: file:nbdssl:nbd:san.
00:15:01.600 [7084.6516] vddkLog: VMware VixDiskLib (5.0) Release build-427917
00:15:01.756 [7084.6516] vddkLog: POLL Using the WSAPoll API Implementation for PollDefault
00:15:01.756 [7084.6516] lockVM: Calling VixDiskLib_PrepareForAccess
00:15:01.756 [7084.6516] vddkLog: VixDiskLibVimResolveHostName: Resolving IP address for hostname B16-SCC-VC-1.
00:15:01.756 [7084.6516] vddkLog: VixDiskLibVimResolveHostName: Resolved to
00:15:01.756 [7084.6516] vddkLog: HOSTINFO 870921587687 @ 14318180Hz -> 0 @ 1000000000Hz
00:15:01.756 [7084.6516] vddkLog: HOSTINFO ((x * 2343484437) >> 25) + -60826277333254
00:15:01.756 [7084.6516] vddkLog: VixDiskLibVim: VixDiskLibVimLogin
00:15:01.772 [7084.6360] vddkLog: VThreadBase detected multiple threads.
00:15:02.786 [7084.6516] vddkLog: VixDiskLibVim: TicketFindVMByMoRef: vmxPath = -vm-9177- 
00:15:02.786 [7084.6516] vddkLog: VixDiskLibVim: VixDiskLibVimLoadVM
00:15:03.035 [7084.6516] vddkLog: VixDiskLibVim: VixDiskLibVimLoadAuthMgr
00:15:03.035 [7084.6516] vddkLog: VixDiskLibVim: VixDiskLibVimLoadVMCb
00:15:03.301 [7084.6516] vddkLog: VixDiskLibVim: VixDiskLibVimLogout 
00:15:03.519 [7084.6516] lockVM: VixDiskLib_PrepareForAccess returned:0 [The operation was successful]
00:15:03.519 [7084.6516] vddkLog: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_Exit called. Unmatched Init calls so far: 1.
00:15:03.519 [7084.6516] vddkLog: diskLibPlugin: 2014-01-30T00:15:03.519+05:30 [06516 trivia 'Default'] Starting to shut down worker thread pool.
00:15:04.533 [7084.6516] vddkLog: diskLibPlugin: 2014-01-30T00:15:04.533+05:30 [06516 trivia 'Default'] Worker thread pool is shut down.
00:15:04.533 [7084.6516] vmwareLogger: Logout: returned 0
00:15:04.533 [7084.6516] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:15:04.533 [7084.6516] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for KeepVMXmlFiles
00:15:04.533 [7084.6516]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:15:04.533 [7084.6516] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
00:15:28.557 [7108.7028] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 2050 B16-STG-048_1390933807 B16-SCC-VC-1 
00:15:28.572 [7108.7028] virt_test_log: log function is called
00:15:28.572 [7108.7028] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 8 ESXMount = B16-STG-048_1390933807 ESXserver = B16-SCC-VC-1, flags = 2
00:15:28.572 [7108.7028] <2> bpVMutil main: Vix file is C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\VMVix_B16-STG-048_1390933807.xml
00:15:28.572 [7108.7028] <2> deleteVMwareSnapshot: deleteVMwareSnapshot: Virtual machine UUID path: /vminstuuid/5024757b-583c-a456-cf04-796c3356e1cb
00:15:28.572 [7108.7028] find_virtual_server_cred: Looking for: B16-SCC-VC-1
00:15:28.588 [7108.7028] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 424
00:15:28.588 [7108.7028] <8> vnet_check_vxss_client_magic_with_info: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:871] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2
00:15:28.713 [7108.7028] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for excludeVMservers
00:15:28.713 [7108.7028]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:15:28.713 [7108.7028] format_virtualserver_cred: read 1 B16-SCC-VC-1 scc-netbackup af1775bc1d4e917f2c49c7732268a553d2030dbe9e8b7ddbb1915e9e107730808af2f286f7d3bc0da233f80dbe1fdd26c206918abcec6cea95ff870c4b0a49c0 18175 0
00:15:28.713 [7108.7028] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:15:28.713 [7108.7028] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for connecttimeout
00:15:28.713 [7108.7028]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:15:28.713 [7108.7028] vSphereConnect: ConnectTimeout: 300 secs
00:15:28.713 [7108.7028] vSphereConnect: connecting to https://B16-SCC-VC-1/sdk
00:15:28.713 [7108.7028] dovSphereDisconnect: disconnect for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 0 and status 0
00:15:28.962 [7108.7028] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for jobtimeout
00:15:28.962 [7108.7028]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:15:28.962 [7108.7028] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for poweroptimeout
00:15:28.962 [7108.7028]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:15:28.962 [7108.7028] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for snapshottimeout
00:15:28.962 [7108.7028]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:15:28.962 [7108.7028] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for registertimeout
00:15:28.962 [7108.7028]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:15:28.962 [7108.7028] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for browsetimeout
00:15:28.962 [7108.7028]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:15:28.962 [7108.7028] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for refreshtimeout
00:15:28.962 [7108.7028]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:15:28.962 [7108.7028] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: JobTimeout: 900 secs
00:15:28.962 [7108.7028] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: PowerOpTimeout: 900 secs
00:15:28.962 [7108.7028] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: SnapshotTimeout: 900 secs
00:15:28.962 [7108.7028] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RegisterTimeout: 180 secs
00:15:28.962 [7108.7028] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: BrowseTimeout: 3 secs
00:15:28.962 [7108.7028] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: RefreshTimeout: 3 secs
00:15:28.962 [7108.7028] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for vmcloglevel
00:15:28.962 [7108.7028]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:15:28.962 [7108.7028] SetTimeoutsAndLogging: vmcloglevel=0
00:15:29.025 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: Login: key            = 52feb2bb-0a64-64f9-c30e-d9f4980457fd
00:15:29.025 [7108.7028] dovSphereLogin: sApiType = VirtualCenter
00:15:29.025 [7108.7028] dovSphereLogin: version = 5.1
00:15:29.025 [7108.7028] dovSphereLogin: sBuild = 1064983
00:15:29.025 [7108.7028] dovSphereLogin: full name = VMware vCenter Server 5.1.0 build-1064983
00:15:29.025 [7108.7028] dovSphereLogin: sName = VMware vCenter Server
00:15:29.025 [7108.7028] dovSphereLogin: sOsType = win32-x64
00:15:29.025 [7108.7028] dovSphereLogin: sProductLineId = vpx
00:15:29.025 [7108.7028] dovSphereLogin: sVersion = 5.1.0
00:15:29.025 [7108.7028] dovSphereLogin: sServerCurrentTime = Thu Jan 30 00:15:29 2014
00:15:29.025 [7108.7028] dovSphereLogin: login for B16-SCC-VC-1 completed with flags 70 and status 0
00:15:29.025 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:15:34.688 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:15:34.781 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:15:34.781 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:15:34.781 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:15:34.781 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:15:34.781 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:15:34.781 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:15:34.797 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:15:34.828 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:15:34.828 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:15:34.828 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:15:34.828 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:15:34.828 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:15:34.828 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:15:34.828 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:15:34.984 [7108.7028] <2> deleteVMwareSnapshot: deleteVMwareSnapshot: moref = moref=vm-9177
00:15:34.984 [7108.7028] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for keepvmonerror
00:15:34.984 [7108.7028]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:16:40.316 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: SetVmPowerState: destroy: Completed OK
00:16:40.519 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: BuildDatabases: Building databases
00:16:46.213 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:16:46.307 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:16:46.322 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:16:46.322 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:16:46.322 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:16:46.322 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:16:46.322 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:16:46.338 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:16:46.369 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:16:46.369 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:16:46.369 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:16:46.369 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:16:46.369 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:16:46.369 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:16:46.369 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:16:46.525 [7108.7028] <2> delete_vm returned 0, try 0: bpVMutil
00:16:46.525 [7108.7028] checkBackupRegEntry: searching configuration for KeepVMXmlFiles
00:16:46.525 [7108.7028]  RegOpenKey failed with 2
00:16:46.525 [7108.7028] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
They is no files in bpfis

Level 6

Could possibly be a DNS related issue or something to do with the guest lookup because of:

00:13:50.761 [7084.6516] find_vm_by_displayname: vmcGetObjDetails DataSet2_i failed with status 18
00:13:50.761 [7084.6516] <2> find_vm_by_displayname returned 18: bpVMutil
I have ran into this before but for backups. Here are a couple things I have done when I run into that:
From Marianne's comment here:

Have you updated hosts files or DNS recently?

If so, have you refreshed NBU host cache on media server?

bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache

Is there a firewall between media server and client?
If so, have backup-IPs been added to firewall rules?

Please show us output of all the following:

On Media server:
bpclntcmd -hn <client_bk-name>
bpclntcmd -ip <client_bk-IP>

On Client:
bpclntcmd -hn <media_bk-name> 
bpclntcmd -ip <media_bk-IP>

On Media server:
bptestbpcd -client <client_bk-name> -debug -verbose

Searching symantecs site is going to run you into a lot of stuff like this here and this here and you could try those, I just have not found that type of thing to fix the issue in the past.

Level 5

Have you updated hosts files or DNS recently?


bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache

C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache
'bpclntcmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Is there a firewall between media server and client?

How to check firewall b/w media server and client

If so, have backup-IPs been added to firewall rules?

Please show us output of all the following:

On Media server:
bpclntcmd -hn <client_bk-name>

C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>bpclntcmd -hn B16-STG-047
'bpclntcmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

bpclntcmd -ip <client_bk-IP>

C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>bpclntcmd -hn 10106.10.107
'bpclntcmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

On Client:
bpclntcmd -hn <media_bk-name> 
bpclntcmd -ip <media_bk-IP>

On Media server:
bptestbpcd -client <client_bk-name> -debug -verbose

not recognized internal or external command

Level 6

hmm, possibly the wrong path? As ran from my 7.5 box just now:

C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd -hn jade
host jade: jade.domain at
aliases:     jade.domain     jade

C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

What are B16-SCC-VC-1 and

I am guessing that the -VC- one is your vCenter and the -esx- one is an esx server?

If so does your environment have an issue because i see a lot of these:

00:16:46.369 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:16:46.369 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
00:16:46.369 [7108.7028] vmwareLogger: RetrieveHostContents: Skipping host <> because state is notResponding
It may however be a restore rights issue so double check the account you use for th vCenter to ensure that it has sufficient rights to actually do the restore
Check through this tech note:
It looks like it is struggling to get everything it needs and is being slowed down by a poor vCenter setup - these delays could just be causing the restore to timeout which could cause the failure
just noticed your other thread where you are having issues backing clients up via vCenter too
You need to get all of your vCenter and NetBackup setup perfect before you can get a restore to work correctly

Level 5

Hi There is Problem with credentials given in NBU. I given vcenter administrator password.

But still restore is not happening it is going struck 

Progress logs

07:50:20 1/30/2014: Restore Started

07:50:21 ( Media id ST9060 is needed for the restore.
07:50:21 (202715.001) Restoring from copy 1 of image created 1/29/2014 12:00:07 AM
07:50:22 INF - If Media id ST9060 is not in a robotic library administrative interaction may be required to satisfy this mount request.
State Details
A pending action is associated with the resource request.User intervention may require
Detailed Status
1/30/2014 7:50:20 AM - begin Restore
1/30/2014 7:50:21 AM - media ST9060 required
1/30/2014 7:50:21 AM - restoring image B16-STG-048_1390933807
1/30/2014 7:50:21 AM - Info bprd(pid=5944) Restoring from copy 1 of image created 01/29/14 00:00:07    
1/30/2014 7:50:22 AM - Info bptm(pid=5592) start            
1/30/2014 7:50:22 AM - started process bptm (5592)
1/30/2014 7:50:22 AM - Info bpdm(pid=5592) reading backup image          
1/30/2014 7:50:22 AM - Info bptm(pid=5592) using 30 data buffers         
1/30/2014 7:50:22 AM - Info bptm(pid=5592) spawning a child process         
1/30/2014 7:50:22 AM - Info bptm(pid=5592) child pid: 1668          
1/30/2014 7:50:22 AM - Info bptm(pid=1668) start            
1/30/2014 7:50:22 AM - started process bptm (1668)
1/30/2014 7:50:22 AM - requesting resource ST9060
1/30/2014 7:50:23 AM - awaiting resource ST9060 A pending request has been generated for this resource request.
Operator action may be required. Pending Action: No action.,
Media ID: ST9060, Barcode: ST9060, Density: hcart3, Access Mode: Read,
Action Drive Name: N/A, Action Media Server: N/A, Robot Number: N/A, Robot Type: NONE,
Volume Group: 000_00002_TLD, Action Acs: N/A, Action Lsm: N/A
1/30/2014 7:51:01 AM - awaiting resource ST9060 A pending request has been generated for this resource request.
Operator action may be required. Pending Action: No action.,
Media ID: ST9060, Barcode: ST9060, Density: hcart3, Access Mode: Read,
Action Drive Name: N/A, Action Media Server: N/A, Robot Number: N/A, Robot Type: NONE,
Volume Group: 000_00002_TLD, Action Acs: N/A, Action Lsm: N/A

Level 5

Hi Nate,

I dont know about firewall exactly i think there is No firewall between client and NBU because all Devices and clients reside in same LAN

I think i cant execute below cmds in client because my clients are VMware .If it is possible please let me know where to execute

On Client:
bpclntcmd -hn <media_bk-name> 

bpclntcmd -ip <media_bk-IP>

C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd -hn B16-STG-048
host B16-STG-048: at
aliases:     B16-STG-048
C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd -ip
host at


08:09:09.032 [6060.5176] <2> bptestbpcd: VERBOSE = 0
08:09:09.064 [6060.5176] <8> file_to_cache_item: [vnet_addrinfo.c:6555] fopen()
failed ERRNO=2 FILE=C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\var\host_cache\1b2\478f1b
08:09:09.298 [6060.5176] <8> file_to_cache_item: [vnet_addrinfo.c:6555] fopen()
failed ERRNO=2 FILE=C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\var\host_cache\08f\531cb0
08:09:09.298 [6060.5176] <8> file_to_cache_item: [vnet_addrinfo.c:6555] fopen()
failed ERRNO=2 FILE=C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\var\host_cache\1b2\478f1b
08:09:09.313 [6060.5176] <8> file_to_cache_item: [vnet_addrinfo.c:6555] fopen()
failed ERRNO=2 FILE=C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\var\host_cache\1b2\478f1b
08:09:09.313 [6060.5176] <8> file_to_cache_item: [vnet_addrinfo.c:6555] fopen()
failed ERRNO=2 FILE=C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\var\host_cache\1b2\478f1b
08:09:11.326 [6060.5176] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1653] getsockopt SO_
ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
08:09:12.339 [6060.5176] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1653] getsockopt SO_
ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
08:09:13.353 [6060.5176] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1653] getsockopt SO_
ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
08:09:15.397 [6060.5176] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1653] getsockopt SO_
ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
08:09:16.411 [6060.5176] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1653] getsockopt SO_
ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
08:09:17.425 [6060.5176] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1653] getsockopt SO_
ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
08:09:19.453 [6060.5176] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1653] getsockopt SO_
ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
08:09:20.467 [6060.5176] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1653] getsockopt SO_
ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
08:09:21.481 [6060.5176] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1653] getsockopt SO_
ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
08:09:24.492 [6060.5176] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1653] getsockopt SO_
ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
08:09:25.506 [6060.5176] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1653] getsockopt SO_
ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
08:09:26.504 [6060.5176] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1653] getsockopt SO_
ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
08:09:33.524 [6060.5176] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1653] getsockopt SO_
ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
08:09:34.538 [6060.5176] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1653] getsockopt SO_
ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
08:09:35.536 [6060.5176] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1653] getsockopt SO_
ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
08:09:35.536 [6060.5176] <16> connect_to_service: connect failed STATUS (18) CON
        status: FAILED, (42) CONNECT_REFUSED; system: (10061) No connection coul
d be made because the target machine actively refused it. ; FROM TO B16-
STG-048 bpcd VIA pbx
        status: FAILED, (42) CONNECT_REFUSED; system: (10061) No connection coul
d be made because the target machine actively refused it. ; FROM TO B16-
STG-048 bpcd VIA vnetd
        status: FAILED, (42) CONNECT_REFUSED; system: (10061) No connection coul
d be made because the target machine actively refused it. ; FROM TO B16-
STG-048 bpcd
08:09:35.536 [6060.5176] <8> vnet_connect_to_bpcd: [vnet_connect.c:279] connect_
to_service() failed 18 0x12
08:09:35.536 [6060.5176] <2> local_bpcr_connect: Can't connect to client B16-STG
08:09:35.536 [6060.5176] <2> ConnectToBPCD: bpcd_connect_and_verify(B16-STG-048,
 B16-STG-048) failed: 25
<16>bptestbpcd main: Function ConnectToBPCD(B16-STG-048) failed: 25
08:09:35.536 [6060.5176] <16> bptestbpcd main: Function ConnectToBPCD(B16-STG-04
8) failed: 25
<2>bptestbpcd: cannot connect on socket
08:09:35.536 [6060.5176] <2> bptestbpcd: cannot connect on socket
<2>bptestbpcd: EXIT status = 25
08:09:35.536 [6060.5176] <2> bptestbpcd: EXIT status = 25
cannot connect on socket
C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>


Level 5

Any update??