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NBU 6 MP5 available now......

Level 2

MP5 can be downloaded from

its just not showing up in the filter drop downs yet.

Level 6
confirmed and downloaded.

Level 6
The question is, is NBU 6 with MP5 the same as NBU 6.5?

Level 6
I certainly hope not. symantec is NOT supposed to add new features in a maintenance pack. Thats what got VERITAS in trouble and they switched to using FP's. I hope they are not going to try and sneak new features into an existing environment.

Level 6
So... anyone install this thing yet?  Is it all that, and more?

Level 6
We are waiting on you, my friend Smiley Very Happy

Level 2

hmmmm some of these could be considered new features.....such as:

 Add a new option to bprestore:
  bprestore -copy X
 The copy number will need to be passed to bprd, so a new protocol will
 need to be defined.

From the MP5 readme:

This section identifies the primary changes, maintenance updates, and
enhancements that are contained in this maintenance pack.  

- This maintenance pack contains the following software upgrades:
 - JRE, which adds many security fixes for JAVA
 - Sun Libattach version 1.4.2 for ACS robotics
 - Veritas Unified Logging (VxUL) to

- All SIG components have been added and/or upgraded in this release:
 - VxUL
 - VxPBX
 - VxPSP
 - VxAT and VxAZ
 - VxSched

- The following database proliferations and enhancements have been added
 to this pack:
 - Added NetBackup for DB2 support (DB2 v9) on 64-bit x86 Windows
  operating systems.
 - Added Oracle support for Windows 2003 x64. (Oracle 10gR2 for Windows x64)
 - Providing x64 (AMD64/EM64T) support for SAP on the x64 Windows client.
 - Added support for the HP-UX IA-64 platform to the Sybase package
  (HP-UX 11.23 IA-64 - Sybase 12.5).
 - With this maintenance pack, you can now compress Oracle and MSSQL
  dataBases for backup.
 - Provide the ability to restart a single failed MSSQL DB backup without
  having to restart a full backup.

- Added new device and library support for the following:
 - ACSLS - Titanium T1A, T9840C/D, DLT-S4
 - New device supported for WORM
 - New media and drive type for LTO4
 - New library support - Panasonic/Matsu**bleep**a AJ-CM100 Library

- There are many customers today who have multiple data centers and move
 backup data between the centers by shipping backup images and copying or
 replicating the image database. This feature removes one of their most
 problematic steps for retreiving the data, changing copy number. They use
 this data for both Data Recovery (DR) and production.  

 As more of users employ DR plans and now practice DR drills, the number
 of users requiring the ability to restore from a non-primary copy at
 their DR site is rapidly increasing.

 Add a new option to bprestore:
  bprestore -copy X
 The copy number will need to be passed to bprd, so a new protocol will
 need to be defined.

- The following enhancements have been made to Flashbackup:
 - Support of up to 16 Terabytes.
 - Support for Instant Recovery

- NetApp has a ShadowTape capability in their NearStore VTL. When virtual
 media is ejected, NetApp makes a copy to a physical tape drive. However,
 instead of deleting the image from their VTL, the copy is "hidden" from
 NetBackup. A script has been added that will notify the appliance that
 there is a request to restore from the ejected (hidden)media and will
 mount the media on the VTL instead of the physical media.

- Support has been added to allow fail over to NearStore storage units to
 a different NetApp filer that had been mirrored using NetApp's Volume Snap
 Mirror technology.

- The new Single Instance Store (SIS) feature in Windows 2003 R2 Storage
 Server extends SIS functionality to non-Remote Installation Service (RIS)
 systems and multiple volumes.  Changes contained in the pack ensures that
 NetBackup protects RIS systems as well as the "first" SIS volume encountered
 during backup.

- Changes have been added that allow Instant Recovery of Windows FlashBackup
 using "Retain snapshots for Instant Recovery" on a policy.

- If a backup has terminated and if you do not want to repeat a complete
 backup again, you can use the new command, BRBACKUP option -f / -fill. The
 BRBACKUP command automatically determines the files that are still to be
 backed up. If BRBACKUP is run with the -f/-fill option and the log name of
 the failed job, it automatically checks which files were backed up
 successfully and which failed and then starts a new job only for files for
 which last backup failed.

- A new touch file has been added that enables you keep a TIR information
 files longer than 10 days (<install path>/netbackup/TIR_INFO_KEEP_DAYS)

- An enhanced MFC VxLogView application enables you to create views of both
 legacy and VxUL logs for Windows x86 systems. This application is located
 in the goodies directory as, -lv.exe.

- In the PureDisk web user interface, a policy can now be created or a run
 once job can now be executed to export the backup data in chosen data
 selections to NetBackup storage.  Once the data is exported into NetBackup
 it will be treated like a "normal" NetBackup image and will be restored
 like a regular file.

Level 6
They are doing it again.......
Does not symantec understand that not everyone has a test master server to install this on? And when you call for support they insist you upgrade to the latest MP. It goes on to a production master server untested?

Partner    VIP    Certified
Sheez - I thought this sort of behaviour stopped ages ago.  Hence 5.0 and then 5.1...
This makes me even more reticent to go to v6.0.
Backups are very very VERY VERY important to my organization.  They're not a noice to have, they are a production services mission critical MUST HAVE NO MATTER WHAT!
I can't go installing untried, new software!  The FSA (Financial Services Authority) would have a field day!  Oh God!
I need to get away from v5.1, but now I can't go to v6.0 MP5 because of new features, and I can't go to v6.0 MP4 because of a few specific bugs that I was hoping v6.0 MP5 would fix - but were still present after FIVE attempts (GA,MP1,MP2,MP3,MP4) - Five attempts!  OMG!   Just how long does it take for a software company to get it right?
What am I supposed to do now?  What do I tell management?
I know what they will say... go source another product... and guess what I'll be doing... sourcing another product.... I agree with them... I'm fed up too!

Partner    VIP    Certified
My best attempt at acting out a greek tragedy.
But seriously, I'm annoyed.  I want MPs not FPs.

Level 6
and the choir said,  " Amen "

Partner    VIP    Certified

Level 6
Are these new bits really that earth-shattering?  They look pretty minor to me, and shouldn't affect the main functioning of the system.

Partner    VIP    Certified
I suppose a new term is required... maybe "feature creep"?