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NBU - cannot connect to robotic software daemon (42)

Level 6

Hi all,

due to a hardware lifecycle we have moved our master server to new hardware. now we wan't to add the media server including a StorageTek Sl48 TapeLibrary to the new installed master server. But the problem is that we get the following message:

 cannot connect to robotic software daemon (42) 

We have add the media server as follow:

 root@rozrhbckb01 :/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd # nbemmcmd -addhost -machinename rozrhbckp01 -machinetype media -masterserver rozrhbckb01 -operatingsystem solaris -netbackupversion
NBEMMCMD, Version:7.1
Command completed successfully.
root@rozrhbckb01 :/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd # 

But we're not able to run inventory robot. Than we recieve the error!

Have someone an idea?


Regards, Martin


Accepted Solutions

Level 6

Hi all,

thanks for all your help. The problem was that we have add the media server with the whole release number and not as required with 7.1.

Regards, Martin

View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Make sure the new Media Server is added as a Media Server in the Master Servers Host Properties Server section.

I would then try running the device configuration wizard against the new Media Server to see what that discovers as it may need readding

If the wizard does not show your new media servers name then that is where the issue lies - add it to the host prooerties and re-start netbackup processes to make sure it is registered

Level 4

Define the server to which tape library is connected as device host in vm.conf file under /usr/openv/volmgr/ and then recycle master and media server once.



Level 6

Hi Mark,

when i run the device configuration wizard i can add the robot but i'm not able to inventory the tapes in the library!




Regards, Martin

Level 6

Hi PraveenCH,

were is the vm.conf to update? on media oder master server? the media server is the control host of the robot. i have update the file on both but without success!


regards, martin

Level 6

also when i try to restart the media server deamon from the master i get the follwing:

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

A bit confused ...

You say you want to ADD media server, but in your 'nbemmcmd -addhost' command you add the media server with the same name as the master?


-addhost -machinename rozrhbckp01 -machinetype media -masterserver rozrhbckb01 

So - your master is also your media server? No need to add it as media server in a separate step.

If you have migrated NBU master to new hardware and performed catalog recovery - did you delete 'old' devices before adding the new ones?

Please post output of the following (this will tell us how devices are seen at OS level, how they are configured in NBU and what processes are currently running):


/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -l

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmoprcmd -d

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -x

Level 6

Hi Marianne,

there is a little diffrent with p and b in the servers name! rozrhbckb01 is the master server and rozrhbckp01 is the existing media server with the robot attached. Here the output of the commands on the media server:

 root@rozrhbckp01 (global) # /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/scan
*********************** SDT_TAPE    ************************
*********************** SDT_CHANGER ************************
Device Name  : "/dev/rmt/1cbn"
Passthru Name: "/dev/sg/c6t1l0"
Volume Header: ""
Port: -1; Bus: -1; Target: -1; LUN: -1
Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 5-SCSI  Z22W"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "Ultrium 5-SCSI  "
Product Rev: "Z22W"
Serial Number: "HU1017A2NB"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: ""
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 10
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-6
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : "/dev/rmt/0cbn"
Passthru Name: "/dev/sg/c6t0l0"
Volume Header: ""
Port: -1; Bus: -1; Target: -1; LUN: -1
Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 5-SCSI  Z22W"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "Ultrium 5-SCSI  "
Product Rev: "Z22W"
Serial Number: "HU1025AUTG"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: ""
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 10
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-6
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : "/dev/sg/c0t0l1"
Passthru Name: "/dev/sg/c0t0l1"
Volume Header: ""
Port: -1; Bus: -1; Target: -1; LUN: -1
Inquiry    : "HP      MSL G3 Series   G.30"
Vendor ID  : "HP      "
Product ID : "MSL G3 Series   "
Product Rev: "G.30"
Serial Number: "1025BRZ06T"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: "HP      MSL G3 Series   1025BRZ06T"
Device Type    : SDT_CHANGER
NetBackup Robot Type: 8
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-5
Number of Drives : 2
Number of Slots  : 45
Number of Media Access Ports: 3
Drive 1 Serial Number      : "HU1025AUTG"
Drive 2 Serial Number      : "HU1017A2NB"
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
root@rozrhbckp01 (global) #
root@rozrhbckp01 (global) #
root@rozrhbckp01 (global) # /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -l
Device Robot Drive       Robot                    Drive  Device  Second
Type     Num Index  Type DrNum Status  Comment    Name  Path  Device Path
root@rozrhbckp01 (global) # /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmoprcmd -d
The Media Manager device daemon (ltid) is not active on host rozrhbckb01
root@rozrhbckp01 (global) # /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -x
NB Processes
    root 27971     1   0 14:48:28 ?           0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpcd -standalone
    root 28043     1   0 14:48:29 ?           0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpcompatd
    root 28109     1   0 14:48:32 ?           0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbsvcmon
    root 27966     1   0 14:48:27 ?           0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vnetd -standalone
    root 28123     1   0 14:48:32 ?           0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bmrbd
    root 28080     1   0 14:48:31 ?           0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbsl
    root 28059     1   0 14:48:31 ?           0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbrmms

MM Processes
    root 28033     1   0 14:48:29 ?           0:00 vmd -v

Shared Symantec Processes
    root   454     1   0 12:05:45 ?           0:01 /opt/VRTSpbx/bin/pbx_exchange
root@rozrhbckp01 (global) # 

When i try to start tlid on the master server i get the following:

 Dec 12 14:51:32 rozrhbckb01 vmd[7408]: [ID 152614 daemon.error] terminating - another daemon already exists (89)

Thanks Marianne for your help ...

Regards, Martin

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified


Just noticed in your screen shot that shows TLD(0) that the column saying "Enabled" says "No"

Check that the new Media Server is not disabled and re-check the robot setup

This could be why the services wont run as something is disabled somewhere.

Level 6

Hi Mark,

the Media Server was an existing one. We only installed the master server new and want add the existing media server. but it seems that i'm not able to bring up the media manager device daemon.

in the logfile on the master server i found the following:

 15:32:18.604 [29621] <6> logstderrmsg:
No Entries in the Drive Database
15:32:18.604 [29621] <16> TermLtid: Shutting down ltid, ToAnswer = no
15:32:18.604 [29621] <2> vnet_cached_getaddrinfo_and_update: ../../libvlibs/vnet_addrinfo.c.1370: 0: found in cache name:
15:32:18.604 [29621] <2> vnet_cached_getaddrinfo_and_update: ../../libvlibs/vnet_addrinfo.c.1371: 0: found in cache service: NULL
15:32:20.616 [29621] <4> TermLtid: chmod dev files
root@rozrhbckp01 (global) # pwd
root@rozrhbckp01 (global) # 

Regards, Martin

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified


Can you provide the out put of these:

from the master: nbemmcmd -listhosts

from the master and new media: nbemmcmd -getemmserver

Can you connect to the media servers host properties? If so what is its Master Server set as?

Level 6

Hi Mark,

here the ouput:

from the master:

 root@rozrhbckb01 :/usr/openv/volmgr # nbemmcmd -listhosts
NBEMMCMD, Version:7.1
The following hosts were found:
server             rozrhbckb01
master             rozrhbckb01
media              rozrhbckp01
Command completed successfully.
root@rozrhbckb01 :/usr/openv/volmgr # nbemmcmd -getemmserver
NBEMMCMD, Version:7.1
These hosts were found in this domain: rozrhbckb01, rozrhbckp01

Checking with the host "rozrhbckb01"...
Checking with the host "rozrhbckp01"...

Server Type    Host Version        Host Name                     EMM Server         
MASTER         7.1                 rozrhbckb01                   rozrhbckb01        
MEDIA          7.1                 rozrhbckp01                   rozrhbckb01        

Command completed successfully.
root@rozrhbckb01 :/usr/openv/volmgr # 

from media:

 root@rozrhbckp01 (global) # nbemmcmd -getemmserver
NBEMMCMD, Version:7.1
These hosts were found in this domain: rozrhbckb01, rozrhbckp01

Checking with the host "rozrhbckb01"...
Checking with the host "rozrhbckp01"...

Server Type    Host Version        Host Name                     EMM Server         
MASTER         7.1                 rozrhbckb01                   rozrhbckb01        
MEDIA          7.1                 rozrhbckp01                   rozrhbckb01        

Command completed successfully.
root@rozrhbckp01 (global) # 

from media server host properties:

Regards, Martin

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

can you run tpconfig -l on the Master Server please

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

one other thought - you dont have a firewall on the new Master do you that is blocking comms with the Media Server (or vice versa)?

Level 6

Hi Mark,

yes there is a firewall but we have open the ports which nbu use. Here is the output:

 root@rozrhbckb01 :/var/tmp/nbu_7102 # tpconfig -l
Device Robot Drive       Robot                    Drive  Device  Second
Type     Num Index  Type DrNum Status  Comment    Name  Path  Device Path
root@rozrhbckb01 :/var/tmp/nbu_7102 # 

It's a little bit crazy because we have only install nbu on a new server and want to add an existing media server. i just try to reninstall nbu and try it again but with the same result. But now we have another problem:

I dont know what's goes wrong. Normally it should be easy to add an existing media server to a master server.

Regards, Martin

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

I am assuming you have 1556 in your firewall list?

If so then very tempted at this point to do the following:

First turn off the firewalls temporarily

1. delete the drives

2. delete the robot

3. delete the media server from EMM (nbemmcmd -deletehost)

4. remove the media server from Master Host properties

5. restart netbackup on master

6. retarst netbackup on media server

7. add media server to master host properties

8. add media server to EMM (nbemmcmd -addhost)

9. restart netbackup on master

10. run device config wizard

11. cross fingers and see what happens

12. if it works turn firewalls back on to see if it stops working

Level 6

The syntax to set a Media Server as "active for tape" is as follows:
nbemmcmd -updatehost -machinename <media_server> -machinestateop set_tape_active -machinetype media -masterserver <master_server>

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

A 1-character difference in hostnames always catches me... blush...

What happens if you kill vmd on media server and start it with 'ltid -v'?

Please check /var/adm/messages on media server as well as PBX log on master for errors.

Have you verified correct bp.conf entries on master and media server?

It seems your master has multiple NICs - what about the media server? Can you verify that same subnet is used for commes between master and media server?

Have you tried 'bpclntcmd -ip <hn>' and 'bpclntcmd -ip <ip-address>' in all directions as well as 'bptestbpcd -host <server-name> -verbose -debug' in all directions?

Please ensure that you have admin log folder on master and media server. Connection attempts at server level will be logged in admin log.

Level 6

Hi all,

we could solve the problem. Thanks for all your help. Now we run the catalog restore but it run since last evening 5 p.m.! How long does a restore of a catalog normally take?

Can i check the progress via command line or what else can i do? It still hang on the same position. Is it possible the cancel the restore?

Regards, Martin

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Extreme/excessive measures?

If you chose to do a full recovery (images and EMM) it will take a long time, depending on images database size.

You can 'tail' the restore log on the master server. Look for something like this:
