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Netbackup Disaster Recovery

Level 2

So I'm in charge of developing my organization's Netbackup DR plan and I'm trying to make it as easy as possible. 

This is our current (Prod) setup:

2 Sites (Site1 & Site2)

Site1: 1 Master server

         1 Unix Media server

        1 Windows Media server

        1 DataDomain replicating box

Site2 (DR site): 1 Unix Media server

                       1 Windows Media server

                       1 DataDomain replicating box

*Site2 media servers are currently used to backup dev servers in that site.


My predecessor wrote up a DR plan that includes making Site2 a replica of Site1 in the case that we lose Site1.  This includes creating a new master server in Site2 and changing the names of the existing media servers/DD box, all to the Site1 names.


I was wondering if an easier way would be to edit the catalog file and change all the Site1 media server/DD names to the Site2 media server/DD names before importing the catalog file into a new Master server in Site2.  The paths are the same in both sites because of the DataDomain replication, the only thing that needs to be changed are the server names.


Is this a feasable way of going about this?


Level 6

Look at the 7.1 documenation and what they call A.I.R.

If setup correctly with replication to your DR site you can do the restore from the site 2 master server without any extra work (that is once you do the work to get A.I.R. setup)

Level 2

It looks like to utilize A.I.R. with our DataDomain boxes we need the OST plugin, which we are not currently using.  Am I right?  I think we'll probably purchase the OST plugin when we refresh our storage later this year.


For now would editing the catalog to reflect our DR site be easier/better than changing master/media/storage server names to reflect what is in the catalog?

Level 6

OST will not support AIR for a while from DataDomain.  With 7.1, was a new OST API, and vendors have to upgrade their plugin to work.  This will take time.

That said, you do want to have Enterprise Disk, and BOOST/OST licensed to at least get SLP's working, and getting a copy of your catalogs from one DD box, to the other.  That is step 1 to getting closer to your DR goals.

From there, getting stable, and getting used to what OST and SLP's give you.  AIR and it's timeline in OST will be a clearer picture by then.


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

"OST will not support AIR for a while from DataDomain."

Says who??  Where do you get this info?

Level 1
Partner Accredited

Please advise where the AIR compatibility list can be located if any is available.