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In case you are not aware - you can subscribe to NBU notifications over here: Hopefully NBU 9 will be added to the list soon.

Marianne by Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
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Backup of Encrypted files

Hi, We have a DLO server and we are taking backup of all desktop clients from the DLO agent and storing on DLO server. We are taking encrypted backup from the DLO. I am interested to use the NetBackup to take the backup of DLO server along with en...

maj_rif by Level 4
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Netbackup Oracle RMAN parent job failed with error code 40

Netbackup Master Server : - 6.5.4 , solaris 10 Netbackup Enterprise Client :- 6.5.4 , Linux 5 One of Netbackup Oracle RMAN, parent job failing with error code 40. I have checked the RMAN logs files. RMAN backup jobs (child jobs)completed successfu...

Resolved! How to clear and delete "waiting for retry" status 50 job?

I have a job sitting in a "waiting for retry" state with a status code of 50.  It's child job died earlier today that much I know. This has happened to me on occasions and I am unable to cancel the job via the Java gui; neither can I delete it.  The...

Resolved! Tape drive compression and encryption with kms

Does anybody know that if I have been using tape drive compression.... and then I start using kms tape drive encryption with NB..... does the tape drive compress and then encrypt?  So am I still getting my compression along with my encryption?  

bpstart_notify.bat account

I setup a script to run the bpstart_notify.bat file prior to a backup.  However the account fails to execute my command because it lacks permissions.  It looks like this batch file is executed by the local system account?  How can i specify an accoun...

dmc123 by Level 4
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Resolved! <install_path>\Veritas\NetBackup\logs filling up

Hi Guys I have an issue with log files filling up in the logs directory. These have accumulated to over 45 GB since 2-9-10. They are not in any specific loggin folder (bpbkar, etc.). They are just appearing in the main logs folder. I am not for sur...

dwilson by Level 4
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Resolved! Oracle RAC

Is there anything special that needs to happen in order to perform hot backups of Oracle RAC's?  I've got an RAC environment, and it looks like the NB_ORA_* variables are not initializing. The backup is failing with a 247, however no other details a...

Resolved! Backups Fail Status 800 - New Robot

Hi, NB 6.5 on Windows Server 2003 Standard SP2.  Attached to a Fujistu robotic library and it performs as it should.  But we connected another library to the same server and those new backups configured to use it are failing with status 800.  Is the...

Rights question Sharepoint netbackup 6.5.4

I am new and configuring my sharepoint backups. I would like information  to understand why the user account for backups of sharepoint farm need Sysadmin rights on the sql server database on Sql 2005. What actions is the client doing that requires su...

Homey by Level 2
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Resolved! Link to 6.5.4 Windows 32-bit client

All, I know these questions get posted all the time, but I'm in need of the link to the 32-bit client Windows client for 6.5.4, and I was wondering if anyone might know where that is.  I've looked out on, but couldnt seem to fin...

Resolved! ACLS server crash after Inventory from NBU

Hi Guys, When doing a inventory via the GUI(jnbSA) or using the command line  /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/acstest -r vumalc then the command qvol It will crash the ACLS server. We are running ACLS 7.2 on a seperate server, and Netbackup 6.5.5 on the Mast...

pylej by Level 4
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Schedule import of tapes / automatic inventory in NBU 6.5.4

Hi, I am looking for a way of automating an import of our tapes. We currently send tapes offsite, which are returned 2 weeks later and put into the Dell ML6000 by our admin staff. The number of tapes is likely to change weekly. We have 18 free media...

M_Hood by Level 3
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Restore From Disk Staging

We are using NBU 6.5.5 with the master and emm sever on server 2008 and the media server on server 2003. I am using disk staging to backup all of the servers.  My question is, as the data on the disk doesnt expire for 6 days can i restore from the d...

mpjubb by Level 3
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Resolved! Exchange 2007 backup error

Hi, I've set up a backup policy for public folder store on a exchange 2007 install.  I had to choose Microsoft Exchange Server:\Information Store for get backup even running. Ant this seems to work, did not try a restore yet. I don't know if this is...


Hello please help I  made a full backup , now i need to restore data to a  new server but i get the following error when i perform restore

Resolved! Multiple Sshcedule for SQL Backup

For oracle bakcup, we can use multiple policy with multiple scrips. How to do in SQL backup? Scenario : I have  policy for SQL Backup having 2 schedules. 1. Default Appliacation backup.(1 month). 2 . Full backup ( Retetion 1 month). How to add m...

Installation of pack NB_BMR_6.5.5 FAILED

Hi,      While upgrading the NBU 6.5.4 to .6.5.5 I am getting below error         Running postinstall script. See /usr/openv/pack/pack.history for more details. /opt/NBU_6.5.5/VrtsNB_BMR_6.5.5.postinstall: Running. Hardware/OS Type=Solaris/Solari...