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Discovery Accelerator

Discussion Posts

Resolved! Search for all messages sent externally

Again, I thank you for any assistance. Using DA, I need to search for any instances of sending email outside the company. I need to create a search term that states, in effect, "any recipient that does not equal *". S...

Resolved! Can DA target a single Vault?

Thank you in advance for any assistance and/or insight! I have a large Vault of content from a terminated employe. I need DA to search only that vault. When I create a new case in DA, I'm allowed to select which Vault Stores to search, but I don't se...

Resolved! DA 9.0.2 Proximity searching

Hi All, I have Analytics turned on in DA 9.  Can I use the DA search template "subject/content" to do a proximity search and enter the text e.g. "me NEAR you" without quotes - to find me within 50 words of you.  I don't suppose I could specified how ...

LizA by Level 3
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Resolved! Search with Required Keywords

  When performing a keyword search with required words, does using multiple required words mean all required words are required, or only at least one of the required words are required?   Here is my example: +Word01 +Word02 Word03 Word04 Word05 Word0...

MikeB_ by Level 3
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Resolved! Discovery Accelerator 9.0-SP2 Export Report

Our customer is asking if Discovery Accelerator export report log files can be modified. I can see that the application generates by default an log files in a TXT, HTML and XML format. Can these log files be amended so they can follow a specific form...

Resolved! Searching for Searching Experts!

Help!  I know this should not be hard, but things never work out when you are in a time crunch do they?  All I need to do is get all the emails that are To or From one account when they are either To or From another account (basically all emails betw...

hlbenda by Level 3
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Resolved! Scheduling a recurring DA Search

Is it possible to create a search in DA, and schedule it to run on a daily schedule such as run once in the morning and once in the afternoon?  Or can the same search be scheduled to run first thing in the morning every day?

Resolved! DA9.0-SP2 Processing a Search

Let's assume I have a search for FSA using "Subject or Content" with multiple lines within a Search Term and using multiple Search Terms. Assume the "Any of" is tagged in the following scenario. Search Term 1:       Line 1: "Apple" "Orange"          ...

Resolved! Discovery Accelerator 9.0-SP2 Analytics Issue

I've used this forum as a reference: Under the solution the first SQL query shows me that Full text seach is not enabled under the instance name. The second query for the Customer...

Resolved! Sort Export

Is there any way to sort the export by date or individual instead of ID?   Thanks in advance, Greg

Resolved! DA Error

We are running 2007 SP6.  An admin user went through Discovery Accelerator and deleted a lot of cases, highlighting 20 at a time and deleting a total of about 600.  Afterwards, he can no longer review results of cases.  He can create new cases, do se...

Sortid by Level 6
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Resolved! Searches for 2-letter acronyms

We need to run a search on an abbreviation -- "SS" which is sometimes used as shorthand for "Sponsored Stories". What's the way to do that, without catching any word with "ss" in it, like kiss, diss, mass, etc.? We tried " SS " (spaces before and aft...

Resolved! Using eDiscovery to search on Internet Mail Header

We just purchase eDiscovery and one thing that would be nice to be able to do is to search on Internet Headers, like for potentially IP addresse. Does anyone know if its possible and if it is how to go about in doing the search. Thx

Resolved! Not seeing the 'Results' tab in DA client

Hi all, According to this close forum post, you can review un-accepted search results before accepting them but clicking the 'Results' tab under the Search Details window. I have a search that I have not accepted the results on yet but I don't see th...

EVGuy by Level 4
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Resolved! Searching BCC in Discovery Accelerator

The guide on effective searching for DA states that the BCC information can be searched via a custom attribute in the search. However, I've tested this and I cannot seem to search BCC items in my version 9.2 DA environment. Has anyone else noticed th...

Resolved! Move DA Database

Using EV8Sp5 and also 9SP2 (two separate installations).  I have set up a SQL 2008 server to host the EV and DA databases.  They currently sit on SQL 2005 servers.  I am trying to find instructions on moving the DA database to the new server, and whi...

Sortid by Level 6
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Resolved! Create Customer database fails?

Hi all, I'm trying to install DA, I have the pre reqs in and ran the installer, which opens the web admin. I was able to create the configuration database but when I try to add a new customer and fill out the form nothing happens when I click 'Ok' I ...

EVGuy by Level 4
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