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Opening archive items with OWA 2010: works internally, fails externally

Level 5

Hi all,

I'm just playing with Exchange 2010, EV 9.0.0 and OWA. I've managed to fix the EV OWA extensions by adding the EWS URL to web.config, but I'm now experiencing a different problem. An archived item I'm trying to open /does/ open inside the firewall, but is unavailable when I try to do it from, for example, my computer at home (error: "The archived item is currently unavailable"). 

Clicking on the error and authenticating to the EV server then open the original item which allows me to download the attachment.

I enabled logging for OWA and saw the following which doesn't really make much sense to me, hopefully it will to some people here :) I've obfuscated user / server names:


   06:26:00 [5400,23] Response filter started

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] Url: https://blah/owa/forms/premium/SubPageContainer.aspx?ae=Item&a=Open&t=ipm.note.enterprisevault.shortcut&id=RgAAAABBJfFE8uE/SKumkwYOLKNBBwDHCmbI7UMKTZevcCKlVx5TAKEkc+esAAAohXsmuNx8R6YNhVsECwIFAAAAAE6vAAAJ&EVItemUnavailable=1&EVReason =558+ERR+Cannot+log+on.++Incorrect+server+or+mailbox.&subpage=ReadMessage.asc x

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] RawUrl: /owa/?ae=Item&a=Open&t=ipm.note.enterprisevault.shortcut&id=RgAAAABBJfFE8uE%2fSKumkwYOLKNBBwDHCmbI7UMKTZevcCKlVx5TAKEkc%2besAAAohXsmuNx8R6YNhVsECwIFAAAAAE6vAAAJ&EVItemUnavailable=1&EVReason=558+ERR+Cannot+log+on.++Incorrect+server+or+mailbox.

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] Query String parameters:

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23]     ae: Item

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23]     a: Open

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23]     t: ipm.note.enterprisevault.shortcut

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23]     id: RgAAAABBJfFE8uE/SKumkwYOLKNBBwDHCmbI7UMKTZevcCKlVx5TAKEkc+esAAAohXsmuNx8R6YNhVsECwIFAAAAAE6vAAAJ

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23]     EVItemUnavailable: 1

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23]     EVReason: 558 ERR Cannot log on.  Incorrect server or mailbox.

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23]     subpage: ReadMessage.ascx

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] Form: 

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] EV Extensions Resource version: v9.0.0.1193

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [ImpersonationManager::StartImpersonation] Entry: Current user: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [ImpersonationManager::StartImpersonation] Entry: Impersonation Level: None

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [ImpersonationManager::StartImpersonation] Impersonating logged on user

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [ImpersonationManager::StartImpersonation] Exit: Current user: username

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [ImpersonationManager::StartImpersonation] Exit: Impersonation Level: Impersonation

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [EVContext::Initialise] EVContext intialised at 06/12/2010 16:25:49

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [EVContext::Initialise] Hidden settings loaded at 06/12/2010 16:25:49

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] Response filter invoked: Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Owa.ResponseFilters.Premium.ArchivedItemUnavailable

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [ArchivedItem:ProcessResponse] Entry

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [ArchivedItem:ProcessSP1] Entry

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [ArchivedItem:ProcessArchivedItem] Entry

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [ArchivedItem:GetSearchStart] Entry

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [ArchivedItem::AddBanner] Entry

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [ArchivedItem::AddBanner] Found divInfobar

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [ArchivedItem::AddBanner] Removed style

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [ArchivedItem::AddBanner] Set colour

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [ArchivedItem::AddBanner] Found divIB

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [ArchivedItem::AddBanner] Added EV banner

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [ArchivedItem::AddScript] Entry

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [ArchivedItem::RemoveAttachment] Entry

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [ArchivedItem::RemoveAttachment] Found divWellAttach

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [ArchivedItem::RemoveAttachment] Removed divWellAttach

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] [ImpersonationManager:StopImpersonation] Stopped impersonation

06/12/2010 16:26:00 [5400,23] Response filter finished 
The mailbox reference above is on an Exchange 2010 server, part of a DAG, and as I said the retrieval works fine if I'm inside my firewall.
Our environment is Exchange 2007/2010 (mixed, moving to 2010 in the new year) and EV 9.0.0.

Accepted Solutions

Level 5

Aha! No, not provisioning, but I synchronized the mailboxes on the Exchange 2010 server which appears to have resolved the issue.

View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

This looks kind of expected to me due to the DAG fail over stuff, but could be wrong.

Just as a matter of interest, if you run provisioning, let it complete, then log back in to OWA, does it work?

Level 5

Aha! No, not provisioning, but I synchronized the mailboxes on the Exchange 2010 server which appears to have resolved the issue.