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Enterprise Vault

Discussion Posts

EV 7.5 Eval - Newbie Question Backup

Hi All, I have a 30 day eval of this product. I have set Ev 7.5 up for a few users to test, When the Symantec rep showed me a demo via the web he used backup exec v12 saying an agent is to be released for EV , Well that is fine but is there an easy w...

Resolved! EV 6 (safety copies)

Is there a reason on why to implement safe copies and what is the process on how and if emails are not getting journaled.    We were asked to implement safe copies and wanted to know affects on why and why not to do this as well as if there are any p...

LBrignol by Level 4
Partner Certified
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Resolved! Expiry on 2007

What is the difference for expiry from EV 6 SP4 to 2007?  Does it expire anything quicker?

LBrignol by Level 4
Partner Certified
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Resolved! Upgrade from V6 SP4 to 2007

Does anyone have Risks on upgrading from EV 6 SP4 to 2007?  We are getting recommendations to upgrade but we were not able to receive any risks on doing so.  Anyone have any suggestions or comments on this?

LBrignol by Level 4
Partner Certified
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Access Monitoring Web Site

Hello all!We successfull upgraded our EV 60 to 70 and installes EVOM and Reporting.My question is: Isn't it possible to access the monitoring website from another machine than the EVServer? I can access the reporting site, but I the browser asks for ...

Weasel by Level 5
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Custom filter to index data from active directory?

Is there a custom filter available so I can also index the attributes found within AD like "state", "office", "city", "first Name", "Last Name"  etc...? Is anyone using a standard custom filter like this?  If so is there a base XML we can use to do t...

Exchange 2007 SP1 + OWA Extensions

We have just installed SP1 for Exchange 2007 and have found that the OWA Extensions no longer function, in fact it completly shafts OWA if you reinstall them ontop of SP1. Does anyone know when SP1 will be supported? Thanks,Message Edited by Marcrp o...

Marcrp by Level 5
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Journal Vault Search

After the upgrade from 6 to 7 sp2 I can't seem to be able to search the Journal Vault anymore.We've got two Journal Mailboxes (and accounts) with one Journal Vault. The search Page does show Journal Vault as the only one that can be searched by the s...

Good to know EV design information

I read this article on EV yesterday and thought that it would be a good resource for techs in an EV multi-server environment. DOWNLOAD THE PDF  Enterprise Vault Best Practice

jimbo2 by Level 6
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Site Consolidation

Hi, we have an inherited EVS5 site and our own EVS6 site. Is there a process to migrate server from one site to another? A side from migrating everyone out by pst’s? Is there a consolidation process? Many thanks

DWOT by Level 2
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I'm currently in the process of re-enabling users mailboxes for exchange archiving since an upgrade of the evault server to vers. 7.  We paused archiving due to a bug that has since been fixed in SP3.  Re-enabling users will be staged over time and c...

BrianEB by Level 2
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Controlling Manual Archive to user vault only

Hi All, We are looking to allow our users to manual Archive. Is there a way to lock this down so the user can only archive to their archive only and not to others where they might have access? Thanks in advanced,Cheers,Phil 

philt by Level 5
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Emails with SSN #s / how to search for # pattern?

We have some emails sent in our organization with SSN #'s in them. We would like to figure out a way to exclude or mark these so they're not included in email discovery requests. We're currently running Enterprise Vault 7.0 SP3 and Discovery Accelera...

Files recalled from placeholders

If I open a file from a placeholder and close it without modifying, shouldn't the file return to a placeholder on its own or does an archive task have to run again?  I was hoping that files would not be recalled perminantly if they were not changed. ...

AdamM by Level 4
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FileCollector Service and BypassRecallLimitforAdmins

Running EV 7.5 on a 2003 file server. Just curious is it SOP to turn off the recall limit for admins so that the file collector service does not crash?Our Service was crashing, giving me fits and finally I performed the reg hack (HKLM\Software\KVS\Pl...

FSA on a Filesever that is also DC

A customer who wants to use FSA on a Fileserver which also serves as a DC.  Since it is not possible to grant local user rights, I may be forced to use a domain admin account? Or have you guys tried other workarounds. If I use a domain admin account,...