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In case you are not aware - you can subscribe to NBU notifications over here: Hopefully NBU 9 will be added to the list soon.

Marianne by Level 6
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Resolved! Ghost Jobs

Hi Heres my envt NBU - Windows 2008   Everytime I open BAR gui and browse the contents for restore a blank restore job shows up in activity monitor. There is no information in the job apart from a line which states the requested operatio...

jinxnbu by Level 5
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Resolved! Backup is Online or Offline

Hi Team,   How can we know the backup is running online or offline. In my envirnoment some bkps have policy type is oracle,DB2 and for some pt is standard for DB2 ,oracle. Thanks in advance..

Resolved! Selective Catalog backup within 7.5

Hi again and thank you in advance for your assistance. I have a HP-UX master running The catalog backup is quite large and the client has not been keeping the production and matching DR servers sync'd as far as file system size. Upon arrivi...

wojo by Level 3
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Resolved! Can't restore Evault data from client

Hi all, We have an evault server that backups up with no issues. When I launch the java console and use the Backup / Restore function, I can see all the backup data no problem. When I log into the client, I get this error: WARNING - SERVER <master_...

Seth_E by Level 6
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Resolved! NB_CLT_7.5.0.4.tar missing a binary file?

I just did a fresh NBU 7.5 install for a Master server on RHEL 6.  I'm trying to patch the server to but the tar file appears to be missing a binary file. NB_CLT_7.5.0.4.tar from

Resolved! oracle backup problem when we migrate client networker to netbackup

Hi All,   our customer previously used networker now we change the backup software networker to netbackup.  but some of he oracle clients we get a this error ;   RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569:...

emret by Level 6
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Resolved! Netbackup Migration on Different Platform

Netbackup Need to be migrate on different Server within Windows but different OS Plateform, Hostname,IP & hardware We are using Netbackup Server  6.5.6 on Windows 2008R2.Now we have created new server on which Netbackup Server 6.5.6 installed which ...

am2588 by Level 3
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Resolved! LTO-4 Retirment Policy

Hello does anyone have a best choice or retirement policy for using LTO-4 tapes? We feel our tapes may be a bit too old but we aren't sure what the best time frame would be.       Thanks, Connor

Resolved! Managing barcodes

Hi All, I purchased barcodes for the new backup device. I have noticed that when i run Robot Inventory, i can see the barcodes but I can not see the barcodes from netbackup volume pools. How do i get netbackup to update volume pool information.   ...

Nam_Sym by Level 4
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Resolved! NetBackup Queries\Scenarios

Hello, Request to share technical information for below queries which I has to share the same with the client, 1. Master is shared with SSO option . Around 3 different account using same Master server . What if a shared Tape drive(SSO) is deleted f...

reachah by Level 4
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About Retention in Storage Lifecycle Policies

Hi Folks, I'm new to this community, I'm hoping if anyone could help me with this case: Currently in our environment, we have two netbackups master server in two different location, each server also have 1 media server installed and also attached w...

Eki_Rahmadian by Level 3
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How can we make the last full backup as final

Hi   we have  one windows server  for that last full backup for the server is the server was retired .on 8-15-2014 we have full backup the backup we have  to consider as a final . how can we do the dupicate the backup ? the final bac...

madhuri by Level 4
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Netbackup Authentifizierung gegen AD oder LDAP?

Hallo. Ich nutze erfolgreich seit Jahren die $NBU_HOME/java/auth.conf zur Authentifizierung. Nun sollen alle unsere Applikation direkt gegen unser AD ( Windows Welt ) oder LDAP ( Unix Welt ) authentifizieren. Wer hatte schon einmal so eine Anforde...

DB and redolog backups failing with status code 6

Hi All, For more than a month now, I have a couple of servers for which the database and redolog backups are continuously failing.  The filesystem backup is running without any problem.  The bphdb log has the below error message: Error: Option '--v...

Jecintha by Level 4
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Resolved! Can we make Windows OS as SAN media server in netbackup

Hi, My Requirement is that i want my all backup job should go through FC (SAN). Our VM backup is working fine it goes to SAN transport but when i am taking the backup of AIX it goes to LAN and its take time. I want my all backup job should go throu...

Resolved! Can we Install Netbackup and Puredisk Agent on Same Server ?

Hi My question is we are migrating 100 servers from Puredisk to Netbackup Dedupe option.. so Can we install PD and Netbackup Agent on same server , as we want that PD Backup will remain there and we install NB Agent on those PD Agents , and slowly s...

inn_kam by Level 6
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